(AGENPARL) – dom 15 gennaio 2023 Starting its journey from Agrigento (Sicily), the relic of Beato Livatino has arrived in Rome and yesterday afternoon it was brought to the Capitol Palace to be received by the City’s authorities and then moved to the Church of Santa Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani in Rome, on the central Via del Tritone, where a government delegation led by Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Alfredo Mantovano has payed homage to it.
The relic is enclosed in a shrine bearing symbols of Livatino’s life and faith. The bloody shirt worn on the day of his assassination is preserved in a precious silver structure surmounted by a cross and the letters ‘S.T.D. – Sub Tutela Dei” the motto describing his Christian life that Livatino often quoted in his writings. Underlying the structure is the upholding law in a clear symbolic representation of Livatino’s existence based on the words of Jesus and the irreproachable exercise of his work as a judge.
The sacred relic of Beato Livatino departed from the Metropolitan Archbishop’s Cathedral of Agrigento to reach Rome and thus officially kick off the week’s celebrations aimed at the first solemn Peregrinatio (Pilgrimage) dedicated to the judge martyr of the Mafia. In the evening, the relic was welcomed by Monsignor Daniele Libanori, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome with a strictly reserved service held in the Basilica of St. Mark’s on the Capitol where a large group of faithful were able to venerate the relic of the great Sicilian killed by the Mafia in 1990 in an ambush on the road between Canicattì and Agrigento and later beatified last year.
From Jan. 14 to 21, the holy relic will be displayed in the chapels of Italy’s highest institutions, from the Parliament to the Suprem Judge Court (CSM), from the Ministry of Justice to the Guardia di Finanza commandery. Two conferences are planned at the Senate and Confindustria, with a concluding Mass in the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels.
The event, strongly desired and planned by the Venerable Archconfraternity of Santa Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani in Rome, is organized by the “Peregrinatio Beati Rosarii Livatino” Committee chaired by the Primicerio of the Archconfraternity and composed of: Msgr. Gianni Fusco, Dr. Carlo A. Adami, Dr. Giulio Adamo, Prof. Avv. Gaetano Armao, Dr. Maurizio Gallo, Dr Diego Marchiori, Avv. Dr. Domenico Menorello, Avv. Dr. Stefano Trubian, Dr. Paola Zuliani.