(AGENPARL) – mar 20 settembre 2022 We are inviting all neighborhood enthusiasts to join us for food and conversation at one of our We Build Sacramento open houses! Come meet other residents and share stories about housing challenges that you’ve experienced. You will learn about Missing Middle Housing and how it can:
– Help make housing more affordable for our residents
– Increase entry-level home ownership opportunities
– Help homeowners build generational wealth and passive income
– Enable local ownership and neighborhood-driven investment
It will be open house format so you can drop by anytime between 10am-2pm and 4-8pm. This is a family-friendly event with activities for young children. Please RSVP. Light food will be provided at 12pm and 6pm, which will be accompanied by brief presentations.
Same Workshop, Two Dates to Choose From:
Wed. October 12 | 10am-2pm or 4-8pm
1913 | 1913 Del Paso Blvd
[RSVP here](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482a5)
Thur. October 13 | 10am-2pm or 4-8pm
Florin Creek Recreation Center | 7460 Persimmon Ave
[RSVP here](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482a6)
Can’t make it in person? Same workshop but on Zoom:
Fri. October 21 | 10am-2pm
Virtual | Zoom
[RSVP here](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482a7)
Sat. October 22 | 10am-2pm
Virtual | Zoom
[RSVP here](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482a8)
Last year, City Council confirmed a strategy to allow a greater array of housing types citywide as part of the [2040 General Plan Update](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482a9) and this Missing Middle Housing Study is an effort to explore how this strategy can be thoughtfully implemented in Sacramento.
Be sure to visit the website and sign up for updates: [www.cityofsacramento.org/MMH](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482ab)
https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482ac https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482ad https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482ae https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h424eef9,3b3ea4a,3b482af