(AGENPARL) – LONDON gio 30 giugno 2022

If you’re applying to use simplified declarations because you’re going to make supplementary declarations yourself, you’ll need to check what other steps you’ll need to take.
When you can apply
You can apply to use simplified declarations for imports you entered in your records without authorisation if your goods are not controlled and HMRC has not told you that you cannot make an import declaration in your records without authorisation, and either:
- you bring goods from free circulation in Ireland (including goods that started their movement in Northern Ireland) into free circulation in Great Britain
- you bring goods that need to be declared from Northern Ireland (including goods that started their movement in Ireland) into free circulation in Great Britain
If you brought goods into Great Britain from the EU in 2021
If you brought goods into Great Britain from the EU between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2021, you must contact HMRC if both:
- you chose to delay making a declaration for those goods
- you have not yet made a supplementary declaration for those goods
You must tell HMRC about late declarations as soon as possible. If you voluntarily tell HMRC about declarations not submitted on time, we can help you get it right in future.
Choose which simplified declaration to use
There are 2 types of simplified declaration process:
1. Entry in the declarant’s records
You’ll enter the goods in your records and then provide full details about your goods in a supplementary declaration.
2. Simplified declaration procedure
You can make a simplified frontier declaration electronically with less details about your goods and then provide full details in a supplementary declaration.
If you have used an entry in declarants records without authorisation to import goods, you can use either entry in declarants records or simplified declarations procedure to make your delayed supplementary declarations.
You must make your imports using the simplified declaration you are authorised for.
Who can apply
The authorisation conditions are different for each procedure. You must have a duty deferment account to be authorised for simplified declaration processes.
If someone else is dealing with customs for you, you should agree with them whose duty deferment account will be used. You must provide them with written agreement to use your duty deferment account.
Simplified declaration procedure
To become authorised to make these declarations, you need to:
- be established in the UK
- have a good customs compliance record, including VAT returns and duty deferments
- show how you’ll keep within your deferment account limit
- show how you’ll identify and report any errors found after you’ve submitted your final supplementary declaration to the simplified customs procedures National Assurance Team, where applicable
- carry out declaration procedures to a professional standard
- make sure the applicant, directors and senior employees are free of any criminal records that would prevent HMRC from giving authorisation
- have procedures in place to ensure you do not import prohibited goods
- have licences for any restricted goods
- have procedures in place to manage declarations
Entry in the declarant’s records
You must meet the same conditions that apply for simplified declaration procedures.
You must also show that:
- you’ll keep records of all declarations for no less than 4 years after their submission date
- you can meet licensing and other control requirements
- you manage your business in a way that allows customs to make effective compliance checks for example, how:
- you keep the audit trail
- your business records are backed up and kept secure
- you identify and handle errors related to the flow of goods
Some licensing processes are digital and you can only process these licenses on a declaration in?CHIEF. We will tell you if you need to do this for your goods.
You need to allow customs to audit your system, providing staff access to an office, a toilet and car parking, free of charge. This is for either simplified declaration procedures or entry in the declarant’s records applications.
How to apply
To apply for authorisation to use simplified declarations, you need to complete form?C&E48.
After you’ve applied
We will write to you to confirm if you’re authorised to use simplified declarations. The letter will tell you what conditions you’ll need to maintain to keep your authorisation.
You’ll need to make a supplementary declaration using either CHIEF or Customs Declaration Service within 175 days from the date the goods were imported.
You can claim a tariff rate quota but you should submit your supplementary declaration as soon as possible.
Fonte/Source: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/prepare-to-make-supplementary-declarations