(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN gio 15 giugno 2023
Vladimir Putin
congratulated the residents of Sevastopol on the 240th anniversary
of its founding.
The message
reads, in part:
“A city with
a special, heroic destiny, Sevastopol is rightly proud of its rich history and remarkable military, labour, cultural and spiritual traditions. Blessed with
great victories and the glory of many generations of our troops, for decades it
has been a reliable outpost of the state on the Black Sea. The people will
always remember the names and feats of the legendary admirals, officers,
soldiers, Black Sea sailors and civilians who bravely defended the city and honestly served the Motherland.
And of course, the day of March 16, 2014, has become a historic milestone for the city, when the citizens of Sevastopol, together with the Crimean residents
demonstrated a clear will – to be with Russia forever. Today you stand firm and defend your choice, showing restraint and determination. Your fellow Sevastopol
residents, soldiers and officers, are fighting heroically as worthy heirs of their fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers.”
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/71438