(AGENPARL) – LUXEMBOURG ven 21 aprile 2023
Beyond a comprehensive analysis of the legal tax treaty framework as applied to MAP (Mutual Agreement Procedures) and arbitration, the volume also offers an in-depth discussion of primary and secondary EU law rules on tax dispute resolution, including implications of EU general principles, fundamental rights and internal market rules with original insights from dispute resolution mechanisms found in non-tax areas such as trade and investment law.
The volume, which features contributions from Robert Danon, Sjoerd Douma, Javier García Olmedo, Arno Gildemeister, Daniel Gutmann, Werner Haslehner, Alexia Kardachaki, Georg Kofler, Timothy Lyons, Peter Nias, Katerina Pantazatou, Katerina Perrou, Alexander Rust, Paloma Schwarz and and Laura Turcan is the result of a two-year long research project originating within the ATOZ Chair in International and European Tax Law.
More information about “Alternative Dispute Resolution and Tax disputes” can be found on the publisher’s website.
Fonte/Source: https://wwwfr.uni.lu/index.php/fdef/actualites/fdef_law_professors_publish_new_book_on_tax_arbitration