(AGENPARL) – TOLEDO (OHIO) mer 12 aprile 2023
Students, faculty and staff are invited to complete a short, anonymous survey to assist in the ongoing conversation about issues related to sexual misconduct and its impact on The University of Toledo’s campus.
Feedback will help the University tailor sexual misconduct awareness, prevention and educational programming in efforts to prevent sexual misconduct and to meet campus needs.
The survey, which should take five to seven minutes to complete, is being done in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s Changing Campus Culture initiative.
“It is important to assess the campus experience by listening to the actual voices of the campus community,” said Vicky Kulicke, director of Title IX and compliance and Title IX coordinator. “Please note that the survey does not collect any identifiable information or any information that could link personal information to responses.”
A link to the survey was sent in an email from Douglas Huffner, associate vice president for risk management and chief risk officer, to the campus community on Monday, April 10.
Responses are requested by Friday, April 28.
For more information about Title IX, the sexual misconduct prevention and education program, where to report an incident related to Title IX, or additional resources, call 419.530.4191, email <a stop by the office in Snyder Memorial Building Room 1120, or visit the UToledo Title IX website.
The post Campus Community Asked to Complete Survey on Sexual Misconduct first appeared on UToledo News.
Fonte/Source: http://news.utoledo.edu/index.php/04_12_2023/campus-community-asked-to-complete-survey-on-sexual-misconduct