(AGENPARL) – MOSCOW ven 24 marzo 2023
The President has
approved a list of instructions following the meeting on the development of Russia’s timber industry, which took place on February 10, 2023.
The Government of the Russian Federation is instructed to provide in 2023 and 2024
additional budgetary infrastructure or special treasury loans for upgrading
coal-fired and fuel oil-fired boilers when converting them to biofuel
(including pellets) and building new biofuel-fired boilers, primarily in the Far Eastern and Northwestern Federal Districts, as well as to provide in the 2023
and 2024 federal budget funds for building low-rise wooden residential
buildings using domestically manufactured wooden prefabricated housing kits for the relocation of citizens living in hazardous buildings.
Among the issues addressed by the instructions to the Government is promoting production
of boiler equipment running on biofuel; production of prefabricated wooden
house kits; production of certain types of pulp and its processed products,
including for the needs of the defence industry; increasing the use of single-use paper containers, packaging, and utensils in order to transition
away from plastic products; increasing the efficiency of customs and tariff
regulation of imported forest industry products; support to forestry
organisations affected by the refusal of suppliers from unfriendly countries to fulfil contracts for the supply of already purchased equipment.
The Government
has also been instructed to ensure that the Strategy for the Development of the Timber Industry of the Russian Federation until 2030 is updated, in particular by clarifying the target indicators that determine the parameters of the timber
industry’s development in the long term (taking into account the increase in the share of this economic sector in the gross domestic product); increasing the level of wood processing and treatment; and import substitution in the timber
industry in view of current and prospective needs.
In addition, the Government is instructed to consider issues related to increasing
the volume of exchange trade in timber and processed wood products as well as extending
the application after 2024 of a single set of systemic and sectoral measures
aimed at supporting exports of non-resource non-energy commodities.
The Government of the Russian Federation together with the State Duma are
instructed to take measures aimed at improving the legal regulation of forest road
construction as well as detection by special automated technology of administrative offences related to timber transportation without duly executed
electronic documents.
issued jointly to the Government of the Russian Federation and the DOM.RF joint-stock
company with the participation of the Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance
Agency state corporation concern some types of support for individual housing
construction using domestic timber products.
The Government of the Russian Federation together with the Russian Export Center joint-stock
company were issued instructions concerning support for timber product
instructions were issued to the Government of the Russian Federation together
with Russian Railways joint-stock company and Russian Post joint-stock company.
A number of instructions have been issued to the Government of the Russian Federation
jointly with regional executive authorities.
The Ministry
of Natural Resources and Environment together with the governments of the Republic of Buryatia, Transbaikal Region and Irkutsk Region were instructed to consider reforestation within the Baikal natural territory.
The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
were advised to consider upgrading coal-fired and fuel oil-fired boilers when
converting them to biofuel and building new biofuel-fired boilers; establishing
long-term tariffs for heat energy and fixed prices for biofuel supplied to meet
the boilers’ needs; and providing infrastructure for land plots designated for the construction of individual residential buildings.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/acts/assignments/orders/70764