(AGENPARL) – mer 11 gennaio 2023 [Manitoba/Canada News Release]
January 11, 2023
Canada Invests in Affordable Living with
New Apartment Block in Downtown Winnipeg
Today, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, along with the Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs and Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada and CanNor, Manitoba Minister of Families Rochelle Squires and Chief Sidney Ballantyne of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation, announced a combined investment of over $17.4 million to build 69 new and affordable apartment units in Winnipeg, with a strong focus on serving Indigenous students, young families and elders.
The Opaskwayak Cree Nation will own and operate a seven-storey apartment building with heated underground parking, located at 380 Young St. The new building will be just a minute’s walk to the University of Winnipeg and is a mix of affordable living with over 40 percent of the rental units being offered at highly discounted rates.
This construction project is aimed to help address the significant shortage of affordable rental units in the city of Winnipeg. The 69-unit building will replace four vacant single-family homes that were dilapidated and have been demolished. Construction is expected to take 18 months and should be complete in the summer of 2024.
Opaskwayak Cree Nation intends to lease a number of units to First Nations students who have moved off the reserve for post-secondary education, as the central location is not only next to the University of Winnipeg but all major bus routes are also nearby.
To maximize its energy efficiency, the building is participating in Efficiency Manitoba’s New Buildings Program. Efficiency Manitoba will provide the Opaskwayak Cree Nation with approximately $105,000 in incentives to reduce the costs of incorporating multiple energy-saving measures throughout the construction process. Primary energy-efficient features proposed for the building include a high-performance building envelope, heat pumps for space heating, and a central heat recovery unit to ventilate the suites. Undertaking these measures will result in anticipated annual electricity savings of nearly 190,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) and estimated annual bill savings of $9,500.
Funding provided for this project is as follows:
– $15.6 million from the federal government, through the National Housing Strategy’s National Housing Co-Investment Fund;
– $105,000 through Efficiency Manitoba; and
– $1.8 million from Opaskwayak Cree Nation.
“Every Canadian deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. By investing in affordable housing here in Winnipeg and across Canada, our government is providing more Canadians with access to affordable and quality homes in vibrant and welcoming communities. Thanks to today’s announcement, members of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation will have access to affordable housing while pursuing their educational goals. This is our government’s National Housing Strategy in action.” — The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion
“Through important investments in affordable housing, our government is assisting those who need it most here in Winnipeg and in all corners of the country. These investments help create new jobs and stimulate the local economy, while providing access to safe, affordable homes for Winnipeggers.” — The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs and Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada and CanNor
“We are pleased to see the addition of this affordable, green housing initiative, giving members of Opaskwayak Cree Nation the opportunity to live, study and work in the heart of downtown Winnipeg. Our government supports continued investment in affordable housing so that all Manitoba families can have a safe place to call home. Through Efficiency Manitoba’s New Buildings Program, the Opaskwayak Cree Nation will receive support for technical guidance and financial incentives for this project. Energy models show this new build’s energy performance will be approximately 16 per cent better than what is required by the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings – a noteworthy achievement. We are also eager to see the building receive Efficiency Manitoba’s Energy Efficient certification when it’s finished.” — Manitoba Minister of Families Rochelle Squires
Testo Allegato:
Le aggressioni in corsia al centro dell’incontro Fiaso-Ministero della Salute: “Insieme per avviare iniziative strategiche necessarie per tutelare la sicurezza degli operatori sanitari”Arginare e prevenire gli episodi di aggressione fisica e verbale perpetrati nei confronti dei professionisti sanitari, a partire dalla stipula di protocolli operativi con le forze dell’ordine nei casi di violenza in ospedale e nei luoghi di cura. È la proposta della Federazione Italiana Aziende Sanitarie e Ospedaliere (Fiaso) avanzata oggi nel corso dell’incontro che si è tenuto al Ministero della Salute, con al centro la sicurezza di medici, infermieri e operatori sanitari, in seguito al moltiplicarsi degli episodi di violenza perpetrati nei loro confronti nell’ultimo periodo.“Abbiamo assistito in questi giorni a una nuova esplosione dei casi di violenza contro i professionisti sanitari, che non possono e non devono essere lasciati soli: ogni episodio di aggressione contro un operatore costituisce un vero e proprio attacco al Servizio sanitario nazionale tutto. Le aggressioni nei luoghi di cura mettono a repentaglio la sicurezza dei professionisti e quella dei cittadini e violano il diritto alla salute tutelato dalla Costituzione, imponendo oggi più che mai un necessario cambio di passo culturale – dichiara Giovanni Migliore, Presidente di Fiaso -. Oggi abbiamo condiviso con il Ministro Schillaci la necessità di implementare interventi per la prevenzione e la deterrenza di questi deplorevoli episodi di violenza, a partire dalla proposta di farsi promotore presso il Governo di una iniziativa per l’emanazione di una direttiva specifica da parte del Ministero dell’Interno a tutte le Prefetture, per procedere in tempi certi e rapidi alla stipula dei protocolli operativi con le Aziende sanitarie previsti dalla Legge 113/2020 sulla sicurezza del personale sanitario, per garantire interventi rapidi in caso di aggressioni”.