(AGENPARL) – mar 29 novembre 2022 Press release
An exceptional jury for the international contest “A road called charity”
The judges who are to establish the winners of the contest organized by the Thouret Foundation have been announced. Paolo Ruffini shall preside the jury.
The names of the judges who will evaluate drawings and photographs sent in by students taking part in the international contest “A road called charity”, launched by the Thouret Foundation to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their commitment to support projects inspired by the charism and the missionary tradition of the Sisters of Charity, have been announced.
The artistic contest is open to all students of all schools and provides an opportunity to tell stories of caring relationships and solidarity.
The works will be judged by an exceptional jury of experts, presided by Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Dicastery for communication of the Holy See. «We chose to let the jury be led by a man whose sensitivity, competence and experience we appreciate greatly – told us sr. Maria Luisa Caruso, Coordinator of the Foundation -. Paolo Ruffini, whom we thank for accepting this role, besides being an appreciated journalist, is an expert of communication and a person of extraordinary humanity. We are sure his presence will ensure the success of this first edition». The other members of the jury are: Lia Giovanazzi Beltrami, film director and documentary maker; Biagio Tamarazzo, official photographer of the Vatican Technical Services; Glorianda Cipolla, President of the Association “Art Mont Blanc” of Courmayeur; Mónica Rosana Porto, sculptor and ceramicist.
The first works have already been submitted from various Countries, showing the interest of young people in initiatives organized by the network of the schools run by the Sisters of Charity. The prizes are offered by F.I.L.A. – Italian Factory of Pencils and similar – and by the Pauline Editions. The list of the awarded students will be published on the Foundation’s web-site (www.fondazionethouret.org) and on social media, while the award ceremony shall take place in Rome, in March 2023.
Jury members.
Paolo Ruffini has been a professional journalist since 1979. He has worked in print media (Il Mattino di Napoli, Il Messaggero di Roma), radio (Giornale Radio Rai, Gr Parlamento Channel, Radio 1, Inblu Radio) and television (Rai3, La 7, Tv2000). He has received several journalism awards and taken part in numerous study conferences. In 2018 he was appointed by Pope Francis as prefect of the Dicastery for Communication.
Lia Giovanazzi Beltrami in 30 years of work has made 50 reportages and documentaries, with 142 awards. She is art director of exhibitions, such as “Emotions to Generate Change”; she directed the Holy See Pavilion exhibitions at EXPO Milano 2015; in 2017 she received the Golden Lion for Peace in Venice. She represents Religions for Peace at FAO and founded the Women of Faith for Peace movement in Jerusalem.
Glorianda Cipolla participated in the 1966 World Ski Championships in Portillo, Chile, and the 1968 Olympics in Grenoble, France. In 2014, she founded the association Mont Blanc Sacred Mountain and every year in August offers an exhibition in the Maisons de Judith, ancient “chalets” dated 1748 in Val Ferret works by great contemporary artists.
Mónica Rosana Porto, born in Avellaneda, Argentina. She studied at the “Manuel Belgrano” School of Fine Arts and later at the “Pridiliano Pueyrredón” School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture. He has worked as a teacher and carried out numerous solo and group exhibitions; he continues to teach courses in art history, drawing, painting and sculpture workshops.
Biagio Tamarazzo has worked as an official photographer in Vatican City and has been part of the Governorate’s Directorate of Infrastructure and Services since 1980 and since 1985 as an official photographer.
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