(AGENPARL) – mer 04 dicembre 2024 PRESS RELEASE
Pope Francis flies to Corsica with ITA Airways
Departure from Rome Fiumicino Airport on December 15 at 7:45 am on the Airbus A320neo
Rome, 4 December 2024 – The Holy Father will depart on December 15th at 7:45 am from Rome Fiumicino
Airport to Ajaccio Napoleon Bonaparte Airport travelling on an ITA Airways flight.
ITA Airways has chosen the Airbus A320neo to transport the Holy Father on his trip. It is a technological and
efficient aircraft, providing 20% lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions per passenger than previousgeneration aircraft.
As usual, the flight will depart from Terminal 5 at Leonardo da Vinci Airport, with landing scheduled at 9:00
am (local time).
Welcoming the Holy Father on board at Fiumicino Airport will be Emiliana Limosani, Chief Commercial Officer
of ITA Airways and CEO of Volare. The supervisor of onboard activities will be Commander Corrado Di Maria,
with 18,000 flight hours of experience; the total crew will be 10 people, including 3 pilots and 7 flight attendants,
joined by the ITA Airways team dedicated to special flights. As usual, in addition to the papal delegation,
representatives of the Italian and international press will travel with Pope Francis.
It is an honor and a source of great pride for ITA Airways to accompany the Holy Father on his Apostolic
ITA Airways has prepared a plan for this trip that takes into consideration the efficiency of operational
procedures, the use of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) for an amount equal to 0.5 percent of the refueling
needed for flights, and the full offsetting of emissions that cannot be eliminated through participation in a Gold
Standard certified CO2 reduction project.
For press information:
Pietro Caldaroni, Chief Communication & Institutional Relations Officer
About ITA Airways
ITA Airways is a company totally owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance for the exercise of business in the air transport sector. ITA
Airways aims at creating an efficient and innovative air carrier that will become a reference point in providing Italy with quality connectivity both in terms
of international destinations, thus boosting tourism and foreign trade, and within the Country, also taking advantage of the train-air integrated mobility.
ITA Airways will place the best customer service at the center of its strategy (through a strong digitization of processes that ensure a best-in-class
experience and personalized services), combined with sustainability, in its environmental (new green and technologically advanced aircraft, use of
sustainable fuels), social (equality and inclusion for a gender-neutral company) and governance (integration of sustainability into internal strategies
and processes) aspects. ITA Airways is a member of SkyTeam alliance as of October 2021.