(AGENPARL) – mar 06 febbraio 2024 PRESS RELEASE
The infrastructure, with a total length of 250 km, including 210 km of submarine cable, will
facilitate the integration of renewable sources and the achievement of energy transition
Terna will invest approximately € 1.3 billion for the project
Rome, 6 February 2024 – The Ministry of Environment and Energy Security authorized, through a
decree dated January 31, 2024, the realization of the Adriatic Link, Terna’s submarine power line
that will connect the regions of Marche and Abruzzo.
This development project, included among the interventions outlined in the PNIEC (National
Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate) and recognized as strategic for the country by the regulatory
Authority, will strengthen energy exchange in central Italy, addressing the security and flexibility
needs of the national electrical system and the targets for growth in renewables.
The advanced technological and environmental electric connection will consist of two submarine
cables of approximately 210 km long, laid at a maximum depth of 100 meters, and two underground
cables of 40 km. Conversion stations will be built near the existing electrical substations in Cepagatti
(Pescara), Abruzzo, and Fano (Pesaro-Urbino), Marche.
The infrastructure will allow an increase of approximately 1,000 MW in exchange capacity between
Italy’s Centre-South and Centre-North zones, enabling the integration and transfer of energy
produced by wind and photovoltaic plants in the South to consumption centers in the North.
Through this strategic project, there will be an improvement in the reliability and security
requirements of the transmission service along the Adriatic backbone, currently consisting of a single
400 kV line between Marche and Abruzzo, as well as better utilization of the national generation
facilities and increasing integration of renewable generation.
Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin said: “With the ministerial authorization of the Adriatic Link, another
piece is placed in the path undertaken by the State with Terna to achieve the European
decarbonization goals of the Italian energy system in line with the objectives outlined in the National
Integrated Energy and Climate Plan.”
“We are very pleased with the approval obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Energy
Security for the Adriatic Link, one of the fundamental projects of Terna’s Ten-Year Development
Plan. The infrastructure, for which we will invest approximately € 1.3 billion, will enhance the security
and resilience of the national power grid and contribute to achieving the goals set by the National
Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate, confirming Italy’s role as a European and Mediterranean
energy hub,” said Giuseppina Di Foggia, CEO and General Manager of Terna.
The authorization is the result of constant dialogue between the Ministry and Terna and the extensive
consultation process initiated by the company with the local community. Since December 2020, the
dialogue in the design and public consultation phases has resulted in over 120 meetings held with
regional and municipal administrations, associations, and citizens.
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