(AGENPARL) – LUXEMBOURG mer 14 giugno 2023
You graduated in 2022. Tell us a little bit about yourself. What are you currently doing?
I completed my Master of Science in Finance and Economics and the EMOS in July 2022 and started working at the Ministry of Finance in September 2022. I hold the position of an economic advisor in the directorate „economic and budgetary affairs“.
How did you hear about the EMOS programme? Why did you decide to participate at the EMOS programme?
The first time I heard about the EMOS programme was in the first semester of my Master’s degree. My microeconomic professor, Arnaud Dupuy, started his class with a brief presentation of the EMOS programme. I thought of it as an opportunity and registered.
Which courses were included in the programme and which classes did you particular like?
The advantage of the EMOS programme was that almost all classes were already covered in the financial economics track of my Master. I only had to take two additional classes beside my normal schedule in the last semester.
What were the benefits of participating at EMOS when applying for a job?
As mentioned before, I saw the EMOS programme as an opportunity for me to do something additional, something that not everyone will have on their curriculum. So, the advantage was that I stood out against other applicants for jobs. During my first interview, my manager immediately asked questions about the EMOS programme and why I was interested in the programme. I think that it can help against other applicants.
Would you recommend the programme to future students of the Financial Economics Track and why?
Yes. I recommend registering for the programme to those who are interested in financial economics track. There are only two additional classes and if I understood correctly, the University was trying to get all classes aligned in Luxembourg, so that students don’t have to relocate and can start with the classes in the second semester. Additionally, students get two intern jobs at the national statistics office STATEC, which helps to acquire practical experience.
About the EMOS programme:
The European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) is a label awarded by the European Statistics System Committee (ESSC). The EMOS network comprises 33 programmes in 17 countries and collaborating partners in statical offices.
Source: https://cros-legacy.ec.europa.eu/content/emos_en
Click here to find out more about EMOS.
Fonte/Source: http://wwwfr.uni.lu/index.php/fdef/actualites/emos_programme_a_qualification_that_helps_to_stand_out_from_the_crowd