(AGENPARL) – PARIS gio 25 maggio 2023
Entità : A proposito di Amundi
Primo asset manager europeo fra i primi 10 operatori a livello mondiale [1], Amundi propone ai suoi 100 milioni di clienti – privati, istituzionali e corporate – una gamma completa di soluzioni di risparmio e di investimento in gestione attiva e passiva, in asset tradizionali o reali.
Grazie alle sei piattaforme di gestione internazionali [2], alle capacità di ricerca finanziaria ed extra-finanziaria ed all’impegno di lunga data nell’investimento responsabile, Amundi è un nome di riferimento nel settore dell’asset management.
I clienti di Amundi possono contare sulle competenze e sulla consulenza di 5.300 professionisti in 35 paesi. Controllata del gruppo Crédit Agricole, Amundi è quotata in Borsa e gestisce oggi AUM per oltre 2.000 miliardi di euro [3].
Amundi, un partner di fiducia che lavora ogni giorno nell’interesse dei suoi clienti e della società
[1] Fonte: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” pubblicato a giugno 2022, sulla base delle masse in gestione al 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublino, Londra, Milano, Parigi e Tokyo
[3] Dati Amundi, compreso Lyxor, al 31/03/2022
Funzione aziendale : Tipo di Funzione Crédit Agricole S.A./Asset Management
Contratto : Tempo determinato
Descrizione dell’incarico :
Amundi is Europe’s largest asset manager ranking in the top 10 globally with over 1.9 trillion euros of assets under management. Headquartered in Paris, and listed since November 2015, Amundi offers its clients in Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and the Americas a wealth of market expertise and a full range of capabilities across the active, passive and real assets investment universes.
Leveraging the benefits of its increased scope and size, Amundi has the ability to offer new and enhanced services and tools to its clients. Thanks to its unique research capabilities and the skills of 5,000 team members and market experts based in 37 countries, Amundi provides retail, institutional and corporate clients with innovative investment strategies and solutions tailored to their needs, targeted outcomes and risk profiles.
Launched in 2016, Amundi Real Assets has doubled its assets in the last six years, and manages over €66bn of AuM as at 31 December 2022 across the four main asset-classes, namely : Real Estate, Private Debt, Private Equity and Infrastructure, in direct investments or in multi-management, and has a dedicated team on Social Impact Investing.
In the frame of a temporary replacement of an employee of our Amundi Real Assets platform in Luxembourg, we are looking for a Real Estate Financial Controller (CDD for 8 months)
Under the responsibility of the Head of Real Estate Funds:
Monitor the budget of vehicles and funds, supervise contracts and invoices and coordinate payments,
Supervise accounting on a quarterly basis and tax fillings (VAT, CIT,..),
Perform NAV checks,
Supervise Annual audits with auditors and support social life of companies (boards, AGM,…),
Support the production of annual reports,
Control contractual ratios and bank covenants,
Perform cash management from rent collection to dividends,
Check the consistency of the reports of the different service providers,
Implement the new vehicles and funds on an operational level (opening bank accounts, setting up financial data feedback circuits, etc.).
Sede di lavoro : Luxembourg
Livello minimo richiesto d’istruzione : Laurea magistrale/specialistica (5 anni)
Fonte/Source: https://jobs.amundi.com/Pages/Offre/detailoffre.aspx?idOffre=79143&idOrigine=170287&LCID=1040&offerReference=2023-79143