(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN ven 19 maggio 2023
Vladimir Putin sent greetings
to current and former employees of the Russian entities engaging in military
technical cooperation with foreign states on the occasion of the 70th
anniversary of this system.
The message reads, in part:
“Over the past decades, this system has made a significant contribution
to ensuring national security and promoting the domestic defence industry and science-intensive
sectors of the economy to become an important foreign policy tool.
Today, thanks to the competence and professionalism of the employees of the Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation and other federal
executive bodies and organisations operating in this important area, as well as defence industry enterprises, Russia confidently retains its status as a leader
on the global arms and military equipment market. Despite the unprecedented
sanctions pressure and unfair competition on behalf of the United States and a number of Western countries, you are effectively achieving the goals assigned
to you, exporting significant volumes of Russian military products, and paying
unwavering attention to upgrading production facilities, as well as building up
their research and development capacity.
I am convinced that your activities will
continue to contribute to strengthening Russia’s high international standing
and influence and to forming an atmosphere of friendship and trust in relations
with our allies and partners, the country’s economic growth and to improving
the wellbeing of our citizens.”
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/71164