(AGENPARL) – PARIS mer 03 maggio 2023
Entità : A proposito di Amundi
Primo asset manager europeo fra i primi 10 operatori a livello mondiale [1], Amundi propone ai suoi 100 milioni di clienti – privati, istituzionali e corporate – una gamma completa di soluzioni di risparmio e di investimento in gestione attiva e passiva, in asset tradizionali o reali.
Grazie alle sei piattaforme di gestione internazionali [2], alle capacità di ricerca finanziaria ed extra-finanziaria ed all’impegno di lunga data nell’investimento responsabile, Amundi è un nome di riferimento nel settore dell’asset management.
I clienti di Amundi possono contare sulle competenze e sulla consulenza di 5.300 professionisti in 35 paesi. Controllata del gruppo Crédit Agricole, Amundi è quotata in Borsa e gestisce oggi AUM per oltre 2.000 miliardi di euro [3].
Amundi, un partner di fiducia che lavora ogni giorno nell’interesse dei suoi clienti e della società
[1] Fonte: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” pubblicato a giugno 2022, sulla base delle masse in gestione al 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublino, Londra, Milano, Parigi e Tokyo
[3] Dati Amundi, compreso Lyxor, al 31/03/2022
Funzione aziendale : Tipo di Funzione Crédit Agricole S.A./Marketing & Comunicazione
Contratto : Tempo determinato
Descrizione dell’incarico :
Who we are looking for
We are looking for an experienced and motivated Product Development Manager to join our Cross Border Product Research & Development team.
Why this role is important to us
The Cross Border Product Research & Development team is responsible for overseeing the product life cycle management (e.g. idea generation, design and development activities, product monitoring and reshaping, defining of product concept and USP) within the Cross Border Product team. The team carries responsibility for the active Amundi Luxemburg and Irish domiciled mutual fund range, distributed in more than 30 countries worldwide. As such, we are partnering closely with other product functions (e.g. product implementation and local product management teams) and with other functional groups (including marketing, portfolio management, sales, operations and legal) to develop and maintain an effective, appealing and innovative fund range.
What you will be responsible for
Play a crucial role in the ongoing and proactive development of new product initiatives and enhancement of existing product range to make sure that they are fit for use in terms of customer needs, distribution priorities and pricing & profitability.
Champion the management and development of products within the cross-border product range
Proactively drive and foster product innovation and become owner of third-party product ideas
Prepare documentations to manage product development and design, such as product specifications and presentations for senior management
Research and report on industry trends and new product opportunities
Understand the full product line up for funds and strategies offered to various client segments
Lead managing of product line.
Responsible for coordinating projects across functional areas of firm
Understanding and communicating the competitive position of products
Manage and own the product life cycle of a sub-set of Amundi`s product range
Sede di lavoro : Dublin
Livello minimo richiesto d’istruzione : Diploma di scuola secondaria superiore/Maturità
Fonte/Source: https://jobs.amundi.com/Pages/Offre/detailoffre.aspx?idOffre=79222&idOrigine=170287&LCID=1040&offerReference=2023-79222