(AGENPARL) – PARIGI mer 29 marzo 2023 Mobility news
Eleven FIA Clubs took part in the regional survey. Designed by Australian Management Consultant Chris Nightingale (Ponda) and funded by the FIA, the Scoping Study aims to understand FIA Clubs’ current business priorities, future aspirations, and areas of potential alignment.
FIA University Chair Ian Stone also provided insights from other regions on capacity building and briefed Club Delegates on the Vision 2030 study conducted by FIA Region I for smaller Clubs.
The FIA Region II Ideas Forum included three workshops:
- Identifying opportunities (exploring cash flow, corporate partnerships, capacity and capability, as well as competition)
- project partnership (how FIA Clubs can work together, scoping a project, noting the region’s diversity) and,
- project refinement (examining risks, governance, project sourcing and funding). Delegates discussed how to ensure any business project would have the flexibility to be localised given the diversity of the region.
Travel and Tourism opportunities were an area of focus, as were roadside services for Electric Vehicles, battery supply, and commercial relationships with Original Equipment Manufacturers.
FIA Region II President Greig Craft said: “There was great engagement from all Delegates around business opportunities, and I look forward to working with the Executive Committee to monitor and support our Clubs looking to progress the projects discussed.”
ClubsMembersRegion IIRoad SafetySustainabilityTourismMobility1MobilityClubsMembersRegion IIRoad SafetySustainabilityTourism00Wednesday, March 29, 2023 – 3:59pmWednesday, March 29, 2023 – 3:59pm
Fonte/Source: https://www.fia.com/news/fia-region-ii-ideas-forum-identifies-several-collaborative-business-opportunities-asia-pacific