(AGENPARL) – WELLINGTON (NEW ZEALAND) ven 17 marzo 2023 Fifteen ?konga M?ori from across Aotearoa have been awarded the prestigious Ngarimu VC and 28th (M?ori) Battalion Memorial Scholarships and Awards for 2023, Associate Education Minister and Ngarimu Board Chair, Kelvin Davis announced today.
The recipients include doctoral, masters’ and undergraduate students. Three vocational training students and five wharekura students, all who were celebrated today for their achievements at an award ceremony at Te Papaiouru Marae, ?hinemutu in Rotorua.
“These scholarships and awards are a tribute to the heroes of the 28th(M?ori) Battalion and were established to commemorate second Lieutenant Te Moananui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu, the first M?ori to be awarded the Victoria Cross,” Kelvin Davis said.
The scholarships aim to support the opportunities for M?ori students to reach their full potential by reducing some of the financial barriers to study or training.
“All scholarship recipients demonstrate characteristics that align with the values of the 28th (M?ori) Battalion and have a desire to give back to their communities and wh?nau.” Kelvin Davis said.
Over 200 scholarships have been awarded since the formation of the Ngarimu VC and 28th (M?ori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board in 1945 and today Minster Davis welcomed this year’s recipients in joining a distinguished line of Ngarimu scholars.
Media Contact: Whatitiri Te Wake 021 893 982
Editor’s notes:
This year’s award ceremony will be livestreamed for those who are able to support from a far, and the link will be available on the Ngarimu Scholarship page on the Education.govt website. (https://www.education.govt.nz/further-education/information-for-tertiary-students/scholarships/ngarimu-scholarships/)
For more information about the Ng?rimu VC and 28th (M?ori) Battalion Memorial Scholarships and awards go to, education.govt.nz/further-education/information-for-tertiary-students/scholarships/ngarimu-scholarships/ and education.govt.nz/school/student-support/scholarships-and-competitions/ngarimu-video-competition/
The 2023 Ngarimu VC and 28th (M?ori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship and award recipients are:
· Varron Armstrong (Ng?puhi, Ng?ti Hine, Ng?ti Wh?tua ki te Kaipara, Ng?ti P?rou)
· Tenaya Brown (Ng?ti Porou)
· Victoria Carran (Waikato-Tainui, Ng?ti Awa)
· Maia Clark (Ng?ti H?ua (Taumarunui), Ng?ti Maniapoto)
· Eru Harawira (T?hoe, Ngai Te Rangi)
· Renay Jones (Ng?ti Ira, Ng?i Tamahaua, Ng?ti Patumoana)
· Hinerangi Nicholas (T?hoe, Ngai Te Rangi)
· Anaru Palmer (Ng?i Te Rangi, Ng?ti Tamater?, Waikato, Ng?ti Porou)
· Tanekaha Rangi (T?hoe, Ng?ti T?wharetoa)
· Brigham Riwai-Couch (Ng?i Tahu, Ng?ti Kahungunu, Rangit?ne ki Wairau, Ng?ti Kuia, Ng?ti Apa ki te R? T?)
· Logan Speight (Ng?ti Porou)
· Paretaapua Tipene (T?hoe, Ng?ti Awa)
· Watarawi Te Moana (T?hoe, Ng?ti Awa)
· Julian Wilcox (Ng?puhi, Ng?ti T?wharetoa, Te Arawa)
· Stuart Savage (Ng?ti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga)
Fonte/Source: https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/scholarships-honouring-ngarimu-vc-and-28th-m%C4%81ori-battalion-announced