(AGENPARL) – lun 13 marzo 2023 You are subscribed to Congress.gov Notifications from the Library of Congress.
Enhancement – Legislation – Senate Amendment Text
- Renewal of Deferred Enforced Departure for Hong Kong
- Iran Update, January 15, 2025
- Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, January 15, 2025
- La Slovacchia si oppone alla fine del transito del gas russo verso l’Europa: “Mai approveremo questa decisione”
- Lo spiegamento di truppe europee in Ucraina potrebbe innescare un conflitto tra Russia e Stati Uniti, avverte il Financial Times
- Macron e Zelensky accusati di non servire più i loro Paesi: la critica del vicepresidente slovacco Andrej Danko
- Geert Wilders: “Mettiamo gli olandesi al primo posto”
- U.S. Support for the United Nations Group of Experts Report on the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Manitoba News Release: Premier and Government Acknowledge the Passing of Education and Early Childhood Learning Minister Nello Altomare
- City Minute — Headlines from Jan. 14-15