(AGENPARL) – mar 17 gennaio 2023 You are subscribed to News from the John W. Kluge Center from the Library of Congress.
Join the John W. Kluge Center and Aynne Kokas of the University of Virginia for a conversation on the tangle of issues surrounding data trafficking, the tech industry, and international business.
Companies based in China are increasingly a part of the fabric of our lives. And it’s increasingly common for many US-based tech companies to follow the Chinese government’s regulations on how and where data collected by their products is stored and tracked. For consumers, this can create a huge amount of confusion about how their data is being used. For governments, this can be a matter of national security.
Kokas will discuss her book and its implications with the Kluge Center’s Andrew Breiner. The discussion will be followed by a reception and book signing for those attending in person.
Kokas is a former Kluge Fellow and is currently C.K. Yen Chair at the Miller Center, Director of the University of Virginia East Asia Center, and Associate Professor of Media Studies at the University of Virginia. Her previous book, published in 2017, is “Hollywood Made in China.”
Testo Allegato:
Camera dei DeputatiUfficio stampa Comunicato13 gennaio 2023Amministrazione giustizia, giovedì comunicazioni Ministro NordioGiovedì 19 gennaio, alle ore 9.30, in Aula le comunicazioni del Ministro Carlo Nordio sull’amministrazione della giustizia, ai sensi dell’articolo 86 del regio decreto 30 gennaio 1941, n.12, come modificato dall’articolo 2, comma 29, della legge 25 luglio 2005, n.150. Com00158