(AGENPARL) – LONDON gio 23 giugno 2022

Edited England reports by farm type and size to include June 2021 data. Also edited the region and county geographical breakdowns to include June 2021 data.
Edited the UK annual time series and Country key statistics with final June 2021 figures.
Added an explanation about the next update to the England crop area and livestock maps. This update does not affect the use of any data supplied on this page.
Added note to explain that it was not possoble to prodice detailed 2020 result breakdowns because data collection was disrupted by Covid 19.
Edited the Engand June time series. Includes poultry, land owned and labour statistics.
Edited to include updated dataset.
Editied the England June time series to include data as at 1 June 2021.
Replaced dataset for cereal and oilseed area, yield and production with updated version.
Annual time series 1984 to 2020 data set replaced with revised data set. Key results by UK country data set had been replaced by an incorrect file so now replaced by original (December 2020) file.
Edited to include revised data set.
Updated UK results by size of farm to include 2019 figures. Re-uploaded England results by size of farm.
Edited to include 2019 results by size of farm dataset.
Updated with latest UK results for 2020.
Replaced datasets with accessible versions.
Updated the ‘UK annual time series: 1984 to 2020’ dataset. Country splits worksheet, 2019 labour figures for Wales corrected.
Edited with 2020 data-UK (June) time series.
Edited England time series to include 2020 data.
Updated with latest 2019 UK results.
Updated with latest England time series dataset.
Updated the UK annual time series with 2019 data.
Replaced county/unitary authority, results by size of farm England and UK and results by type of farm England datasets.
Updated with latest annual England time series dataset, 1983-2019.
Corrections to UK time series –annual time series: 1984 to 2018, and England time series – annual time series: 1983 to 2018 datasets.
Updated “Structure of the agricultural industry in England and the UK at June” dataset.
Updated England annual time series, UK annual time series, UK cereal and oilseed area, and key results by UK country datasets.
Updated county/ unitary authority dataset.
Updated June – UK, key results and cereal & oilseed area, yield and production time series to include 2018 final figures.
Updated the England farm type series dataset to include 2017 figures in excel format and accompanying open standards format file. .
Updated ‘results by size of farm’ datasets for ‘England’ and ‘UK’
Updated England time series with final June 2018 figures.
Updated dataset: UK annual time series: 1984 to 2018.
Minor revision to England annual time series: 1983 to 2018 figures.
Updated England time series 1983 -2018.
Updated with new Local Nature Partnerships dataset,
Updated National Character Area dataset.
Updated with national parks dataset to 2016.
Updated local authority dataset.
Updated UK June time series, crops and oilseed area and yield and key results datasets.
Updated England Less Favoured Areas dataset.
Updated England results by size of farm, England results by type of farm and UK results by size of farm.
Updated UK cereal and oilseed area, yield and production dataset.
Updated areas of outstanding natural beauty dataset to include 2016 data.
Updated England annual time series dataset.
Updated UK June dataset, adding 2017 data.
Updated England time series 1983 -2017.
Regular update of standard output.
Updated cereal and oilseed area, yield and production statistics.
UK annual time series, cereal and oilseed area, yield and production, key results by UK country datasets updated.
Updated datasets for England – results by type of farm, and English geographical breakdowns by county/unitary authority.
Updated England time series 1983 -2016
Replaced ODS version of UK annual time series 1984 to 2016 with XLS version to retain formatting.
Updated with UK annual time series 1984 to 2016 dataset.
Updated June time series for England.
Updated England and UK size band datasets.
UK annual time series, cereal and oilseed area, yield and production, key results by UK country datasets updated.
Annual time series for England updated.
Cereal and oilseed area, yield and production dataset upadted
UK annual time series: 1984 to 2015 updated.
Annual time series for England updated.
Updated England results by type of farm dataset, added new England Less Favoured Areas dataset, and updated UK results by size of farm dataset.
England results by size of farm dataset updated with 2014 data.
UK annual time series: 1984 to 2014 updated.
Updated UK statistics by size of farm for 2014.
Updated UK annual time series: 1984 to 2014; UK cereal and oilseed area, yield and production; Key results by UK country: 1866 to 2013
Updated with new local natural partnership data series and replaced farm type data series.
Updated AONB, National Charcter Areas and National Parks data.
Updated England time series 2014.
Revised UK data and other English results.
Revised UK annual time series: 1984 to 2014.
Updated UK time series to include figures for 2014.
Updated England annual time series to 2014, amended UK time series.
Updated data sets showing English county statistics, English statistics by farm type and UK statistics by size of farm for 2013.
Updated England data set for results by size of farm to include figures for 2013.
Updated UK time series to include figures for 2013.
Updated UK figures for 2012.
Updated with final estimates for June 2013 for England.
Updated UK annual time series and UK cereal and oilseed area, yield and production spreadsheets to include provisional figures for 2013.
Updated English results by farm size and added UK results by farm size.
Updated England time series to include figures for June 2013.
Added figures for the four countries of the UK to the annual UK time series.
First published.
Fonte/Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/structure-of-the-agricultural-industry-in-england-and-the-uk-at-june