(AGENPARL) – NEW YORK lun 20 giugno 2022
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Ferit Hoxha (Albania):
The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the attack perpetrated against the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) on 19 June in Kidal, following which one peacekeeper from Guinea was killed.
The members of the Security Council expressed their deepest condolences and sympathy to the family of the victim, as well as to Guinea. They also expressed condolences to the United Nations. They paid tribute to all peacekeepers who risk their lives.
The members of the Security Council also condemned in the strongest terms the attacks perpetrated on 18 June near Gao and near Bankass, following which dozens of civilians were killed. They expressed their deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and to the Transitional Government of Mali.
The members of the Security Council called on the Transitional Government of Mali to swiftly investigate the attack against peacekeepers and bring the perpetrators to justice, and keep the relevant troop-contributing country informed of the progress. They underlined that attacks targeting peacekeepers may constitute war crimes under international law. They stressed that involvement in planning, directing, sponsoring or conducting attacks against MINUSMA peacekeepers constitutes a basis for sanctions designations pursuant to United Nations Security Council resolutions. They underscored that the primary responsibility of the safety and security of United Nations personnel and assets rests with host States and highlighted the importance of engagement and communications between MINUSMA and the Transitional Government of Mali.
The members of the Security Council reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. They underlined the need to bring perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism to justice. They stressed that those responsible for these killings should be held accountable, and urged all States, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate actively with all relevant authorities in this regard.
The members of the Security Council reiterated that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed. They reaffirmed the need for all States to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other obligations under international law, including international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.
The members of the Security Council reiterated their full support to MINUSMA and the other security presences in the Sahel region, as mentioned in resolution 2584 (2021).
The members of the Security Council expressed their concern about the security situation in Mali and the transnational dimension of the terrorist threat in the Sahel region. They urged the Malian parties to fully implement the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali without further delay. They underlined that lasting peace and security in the Sahel region will not be achieved without a combination of political, security, peacebuilding and sustainable development efforts benefitting all regions of Mali, as well as the full, effective and inclusive implementation of the Agreement.
The members of the Security Council further stressed the importance of MINUSMA having the necessary capacities to fulfil its mandate and promote the safety and security of the United Nations peacekeepers, pursuant to Security Council resolution 2584 (2021).
The members of the Security Council stressed that these heinous acts will not undermine their determination to continue to support the peace and reconciliation process in Mali.
Fonte/Source: https://www.un.org/press/en/2022/sc14938.doc.htm