Grand Orient of Italy, only Avv. Raffaele Cappiello can speak for the GOI – Open Letter
Dear Avv. Raffaele Cappiello,
with amazement and but above all with a certain perplexity, I open today of the existence of a press release attributed to the Grand Orient of Italy-Palazzo Giustiniani and signed by the self-styled (and self-proclaimed) Grand Master Stefano Bisi. The communiqué, published in reaction to our December 14, 2024 article titled “The Grand Orient of Italy: Leo Taroni is the new Grand Master,” purports to refute what was reported, calling the headline “damaging” and “widely distorting” , also reserving further legal action against our agency and our publisher.
However, we cannot ignore a well known and incontrovertible fact: the Court of Rome, by order dated November 27, 2024, appointed you, Avv. Cappiello, Special Curator ex art. 78 Cpc and sole representative of the Grand Orient of Italy with regard to pending civil proceedings. This role, assigned de facto and de jure, implies that the GOI cannot issue official acts or initiate legal actions without your signature and authorization.
Therefore, we wonder, and with us our readers, how it is possible for press releases to be issued, drafted and disseminated under the signature of a person who, in light of the Court’s ruling, has no representative legitimacy nor any title to speak on behalf of the GOI. If the Grand Orient of Italy cannot even sign a registered letter without His intervention, let alone exercise the right of rectification or preannounce legal action.
The communiqué of the self-styled Grand Master, in an attempt to belittle the content of our article, only confirms the confusion and arbitrariness with which these matters continue to be handled. It should be recalled that our article merely reported well-known facts, supported by judicial documentation: the electoral victory of Leo Taroni and his list has been ascertained, and has also been acknowledged by the GOI through the Memorandum of Incorporation you drafted .
For these reasons, we ask for your urgent intervention, aimed at clarifying the situation and protecting the proper representation of the Grand Orient of Italy, preventing further arbitrary acts without legitimacy being attributed to such a prestigious association.
We look forward to your kind reply and trust in your action to restore order and transparency in this matter.
Dr. Luigi Camilloni
Director of Agenparl