(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN ven 28 aprile 2023
Vladimir Putin spoke at a meeting with members of the Federal Assembly’s Council of Legislators and congratulated
them on Day of Russian Parliamentarism. By tradition, the meeting was held at the Tauride Palace.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon,
Traditionally, the meeting of the Council of Legislators
has been timed to coincide with Day of Russian Parliamentarism that was marked yesterday,
April 27.
I would like to congratulate you on this holiday
and thank the senators and deputies, all your colleagues in the Russian regions
for your hard, substantive and productive efforts to create a solid legislative
foundation for promoting the effective socioeconomic development of our country,
for improving living standards and for enhancing the sovereignty and security
of our state.
Many of our parliamentary traditions were established
at the beginning of the last century, during pre-revolutionary convocations of the State Duma, that worked in the Tauride Palace since 1906.
First Duma Speaker Sergei Muromtsev highly appreciated
the potential of institutions of broad popular representation. He believed that
their main mission was to promote people’s belief “in statehood as a bulwark of their rights and a source of non-hypocritical concern for people’s wellbeing.” He
said the state as a whole should be “a matter of public work.”
Indeed, many of your predecessors, the first Russian
MPs, upheld the interests of the people enthusiastically and sincerely. They cared
about national welfare, strove to be useful to their country and considered it
their ultimate duty to live and work for the Fatherland.
These patriotic ideals are important in all times,
all the more so for us and Russia – a country-civilisation, one of the distinguished, sovereign centres of this vast multipolar world.
The values of devoted service to the people and one’s own Motherland determine the power and sustainability of state government
and confirm the unity and cohesion of our people. They are a key, immutable guarantee
that together we will overcome any trial and will consistently move only forward
to our lofty, great goals.
To be continued.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/71047