(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN sab 17 giugno 2023
Vladimir Putin met with the world’s first female cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, State Duma deputy Valentina Tereshkova in St Petersburg’s
Constantine Palace.
The President
congratulated space pilot Valentina Tereshkova on the 60th
anniversary of her solo flight around the Earth aboard the Vostok 6 spacecraft
which began on June 16, 1963 and lasted almost three days.
The President presented the Order of Gagarin to Valentina Tereshkova for her outstanding
achievements in outer space exploration, courage and dedication during that
historic piloted space flight, and her active civic and international efforts.
* * *
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Ms Tereshkova,
Allow me to address you using your space call sign – our dear Chaika (Seagull).
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of your flight: on June 16, 1963 the first female pilot-cosmonaut
flew to space, and back then the Soviet Union reaffirmed its leadership in outer
space exploration.
I want to stress that following your flight, there were no women in space for 19 years –
neither the Soviet Union nor the United States launched women into outer space.
In addition, you performed monumental work – scientific, research work. Moreover,
the mere fact of a female cosmonaut was a very graphic illustration of the attitude
towards women in our country, how they are trusted in our country and how our
women reach incredible, stratospheric – both literally and figuratively – achievements
and results.
You have also
made a tremendous contribution to the progress of our statehood, focusing on such crucial developments in the country as support for maternity and childhood. You headed a very important body, the Soviet Women’s Committee, for many,
many years. Now you are continuing this work as a State Duma deputy. We all
admire what you did for Russia’s interests and how you did it.
The Order
of Gagarin was instituted quite recently. I know that Yuri Gagarin played an important role in your life; as flight director, he took part in taking the final decision on who would be the first female cosmonaut.
You had
good, friendly working and professional relations with him. Once we have this order
instituted – it will be presented to particular individuals with outstanding
results in outer space exploration, and research teams and industrial
collectives – but this Order first and foremost must certainly and rightly be awarded to you. I would like to do
that on the anniversary
of your flight, and I am delighted to have the opportunity.
Let me once
again heartily congratulate you on this occasion.
Valentina Tereshkova: Mr President,
I think everyone present must understand me and my emotions. I have never been so overwhelmed in my life because Yuri
Gagarin’s name resides in our memory. We remember him as we live because he really did a lot to establish the Cosmonaut Training Centre and for people to fly under his name.
Thank you very much!
I am endlessly grateful. I will try to be worthy of it.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very
If you do
not mind, let us talk a little more.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/71448