(AGENPARL) – KREMLIN mar 25 aprile 2023
Vladimir Putin sent greetings
to the participants and guests of the 78th International Military
Sports Council General Assembly and Congress.
The message reads, in part:
“Russia has the honour of hosting
this high-level forum. Held for the first time in our capital, your meeting
brings together delegations from many countries, offering them a marvellous opportunity
to engage in a broad conversation on ways to promote military sports and come up
with novel approaches for stepping up cooperation in this area.
Russia treasures its long-standing
and solid ties with the International Military Sports Council, as well as the major
joint projects we undertook together. We would like to praise the Council for its principled and firm position and unwavering commitment to its slogan which
reads: “Friendship through Sport.” We are committed to further expanding our
mutually beneficial partnership to strengthen and build up military sports
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Council’s leadership for its constructive cooperation and trust. I strongly
believe that all the events you planned will be held at the highest level.”
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/70983