(AGENPARL) – MOSCOW mer 19 aprile 2023
Presidential Aide, State
Council Secretary Igor Levitin and Chair of the State Council Commission on Energy,
Kemerovo Region – Kuzbass Governor Sergei Tsivilev chaired a regular meeting of the working group on energy saving and higher energy efficiency in the Russian
The meeting was attended by Astrakhan Region Governor Igor Babushkin, First Deputy Minister of Economic
Development Ilya Torosov, Deputy Minister of Energy Pavel Snikkars, Deputy
Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities Alexei Yeresko, chief economist
of VEB.RF Andrei Klepach, directors of departments of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, representatives of relevant
federal ministries, executive authorities of Russian regions and the business
In his opening remarks, Igor Levitin
noted that the goal of reducing the GDP’s energy intensity by 40 percent, as stipulated by the Presidential Executive Order of 2008, had not been achieved.
In this connection, he said, it was necessary to step up the work on drafting
the state programme Energy Saving and Higher Energy Efficiency up to 2035.
Sergei Tsivilev noted that issues of energy saving and energy efficiency were of major significance to the industry,
and that they affected the well-being of the population and concern all
Ilya Torosov reported on implementing the Presidential instruction on drafting the state programme Energy
Saving and Higher Energy Efficiency up to 2035, its strategic priorities and goals. Pavel Snikkars and Alexei Yeresko, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, reported on measures to draft federal projects, due to be included in this state programme.
Andrei Klepach discussed current incentives
for promoting projects in the sphere of energy saving and energy efficiency.
Representatives of DOM.RF, the Rosatom State Corporation and the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company
shared their experience of implementing projects in this sphere.
Proposals made by the members of the working group
will be taken into account when finalising the state programme Energy Saving and Higher Energy Efficiency up to 2035.
Fonte/Source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/administration/70952