(AGENPARL) – PARIS gio 13 aprile 2023
Entità : A proposito di Amundi
Primo asset manager europeo fra i primi 10 operatori a livello mondiale [1], Amundi propone ai suoi 100 milioni di clienti – privati, istituzionali e corporate – una gamma completa di soluzioni di risparmio e di investimento in gestione attiva e passiva, in asset tradizionali o reali.
Grazie alle sei piattaforme di gestione internazionali [2], alle capacità di ricerca finanziaria ed extra-finanziaria ed all’impegno di lunga data nell’investimento responsabile, Amundi è un nome di riferimento nel settore dell’asset management.
I clienti di Amundi possono contare sulle competenze e sulla consulenza di 5.300 professionisti in 35 paesi. Controllata del gruppo Crédit Agricole, Amundi è quotata in Borsa e gestisce oggi AUM per oltre 2.000 miliardi di euro [3].
Amundi, un partner di fiducia che lavora ogni giorno nell’interesse dei suoi clienti e della società
[1] Fonte: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” pubblicato a giugno 2022, sulla base delle masse in gestione al 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublino, Londra, Milano, Parigi e Tokyo
[3] Dati Amundi, compreso Lyxor, al 31/03/2022
Funzione aziendale : Tipo di Funzione Crédit Agricole S.A./Asset Management
Contratto : Tempo indeterminato
Descrizione dell’incarico :
Principle Accountabilities
The primary purpose of the role is to:
Plan and deliver the support functions required to enable the UK distribution sales team to liaise with prospects and clients on the Amundi Active fund rage. This will primarily, though not exclusively, include:Regularly update the internal CRM system to ensure activity is accurately recorded and monitored
Use a range of internal portals and resources to produce Amundi fund presentations and pitches
Build and maintain relationships with all internal departments to ensure swift and efficient responses to client requests.
Liaise closely with marketing to help co-ordinate and prepare for in-house events and those hosted by third parties; as well as maintain client contact lists for email campaigns
Help in the preparation and review of relevant KYC and Distribution Agreement documentation
Diligently build and proactively maintain comprehensive action plans for key local clients.
Maintain the sales pipeline to ensure its accuracy reflects the current opportunities for the Amundi active product suit
Work closely with the Amundi custodian, the products team, retail platforms and clients to ensure a smooth process for KYC documentation, platform agreements and share class launches
Understand and effectively communicate the daily net flows of assets into and out of Amundi funds in the UK
Utilise the tools available to help provide market research on Amundi funds with competitor strategies. Competence in Morningstar Direct is an advantage
Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) & Consumer Duty
Be open and transparent in the way you deal with our clients
Ensure that wherever possible the interests of our clients are put first. Specifically, in relation to your role, TCF should be considered in the following areas:
The marketing and promotion of the funds
The sales process
The provision of post-sale information to the customer and the complaints process
Be aware of the risks to the firm, and to its clients, of your actions and responsibilities
Ensure that as these risks change, or new risks arise, these changes are clearly communicated throughout the firm as appropriate
Manage these risks appropriately including involving your line management and compliance as necessary
Skills, abilities & personal qualities
Team player with a natural approach to productive collaboration benefitting the central Business case
Presentable/Diligent/Honest/Self Motivated
Detailed knowledge of Investment process for all Funds
Sede di lavoro : London
Livello minimo richiesto d’istruzione : Laurea triennale (3 anni)
Fonte/Source: https://jobs.amundi.com/Pages/Offre/detailoffre.aspx?idOffre=77270&idOrigine=170287&LCID=1040&offerReference=2023-77270