(AGENPARL) – mer 12 aprile 2023 Update from GOV.?UK for: News and communications Foreign flagged ships detained in the UK during March 2023 under Paris MOU Page summary: The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) announced today that three foreign flagged ship remained under detention in U…
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Update from GOV.?UK for:
News and communications
[Foreign flagged ships detained in the UK during March 2023 under Paris MOU](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/foreign-flagged-ships-detained-in-the-uk-during-march-2023-under-paris-mou?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications-topic&utm_source=bc465bbd-a529-4d18-a5e5-e34d400f95d8&utm_content=immediately)
Page summary:
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) announced today that three foreign flagged ship remained under detention in UK ports at the end of March after failing Paris MOU Port State Control (PSC) inspection.
Change made:
First published.
Time updated:
8:34am, 12 April 2023
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