Enhanced ID on Oral Updates on Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
with the High Commissioner (TBC) and the expert team on Kasai
Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America
Human Rights Council – 52nd Session
Thank you, Mr. Vice President, and thank you to the High Commissioner and to all speakers for their updates.
The United States remains deeply concerned about ongoing violence in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. We condemn human rights abuses by non-state armed groups operating there.
We call on Rwanda to stop its support to M23 and on all states to end any cooperation with non-state armed groups.
We are disturbed by reported attacks on Congolese civilians by non-state armed groups. We call for those responsible for human rights abuses to be held accountable.
The United States also remains concerned about the use of hate speech, which fuels mistrust and conflict. We call on all parties to condemn it and to prevent any ethnically targeted violence.
We urge the government to hold free and fair elections this year that are on time. We call on the government to respect freedom of expression and to ensure that political and civic space remains open.
Question: Distinguished panelists, how can the international community support the government in its continued efforts to deescalate violence in eastern DRC and to ensure accountability for human rights violations and abuses?
I thank you.