(AGENPARL) – HEMPSTEAD (NEW YORK) lun 20 marzo 2023
Shu Yang, assistant professor of Entrepreneurship, is one of the authors of “Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Exploring the Impact of Inter- and Intra-Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Embeddedness on New Venture Creation,” published in the Academy of Management Journal.

In the paper, Dr. Yang and her colleagues proposed a network-based view to predict and explain how the movement of venture capitalists (VCs) across different geographical locations could facilitate regional new venture creations in each entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE). Using a longitudinal sample of regional data in the United States from 1994 to 2016, they found an inverted U shape suggesting that the relationship between VC mobility and entrepreneurial activity is not linear. Furthermore, they also found that cultural factors within each EE, such as the presence of public companies and religiosity, could either reinforce or weaken this relationship. Read more
In addition to Dr. Yang, the paper’s authors include: Lei Xu, Ph.D., assistant professor of entrepreneurship, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater; Yu Liu, Ph.D., assistant professor of management, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands); Scott L. Newbert, Ph.D., professor of entrepreneurship, the Lawrence N. Field Chair in Entrepreneurship, the Academic Director of the Lawrence N. Field Programs in Entrepreneurship, Baruch College, CUNY; and Kimberly B. Boal, PhD., Rawls Professor of Management, Texas Tech University.
Fonte/Source: https://news.hofstra.edu/2023/03/20/professor-publishes-on-entrepreneurial-ecosystems/