(AGENPARL) – MINSK (BELARUS) mer 15 marzo 2023
The primary organization of the Belarusian Women’s Union of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus took part in the city conference Women’s Contribution to the Development of the State: Trends and Prospects.
A large-scale women’s forum was held in Minsk for the first time. It brought together more than 600 participants — Minsk women working in the fields of industry, education and science, health, culture, representatives of law enforcement agencies, the media, and public associations. The conference was organized by the Minsk City Executive Committee together with the Minsk city organization of the Belarusian Women’s Union.
The section Women’s Contribution to the Development of Education and Science was held at the premises of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Representatives of science and education took part in its work. E.I. Kolomiets, General Director of the State Scientific and Production Association Chemical Synthesis and Biotechnology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician, told about famous women in the development of Belarusian science, about what path you need to go to become an “academician”.
Y.V. Kochurko, Head of the Directorate of Scientific and Organizational and Legal Work of the Apparatus of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Chairman of the primary organization of the Belarusian Women’s Union of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus spoke about the role of women in science. Belarusian science is characterized by the active representation of women in the personnel potential. Their number among researchers in our country is 39% (among candidates of sciences – 41%, among doctors of sciences – 20%). In the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, women make up 49% of researchers (candidates of sciences – 46%, doctors of sciences – 20%). A high proportion of women among academic master’s degree students – 52.3%, graduate students – 55.8% and doctoral students – 40.8%. 53.6% of researchers under the age of 35 are women, and every second female young scientist has a candidate of sciences degree, which is 50.4% of the total number of candidates of sciences among the youth of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. There are 2 academicians and 8 corresponding members among women scientists. The majority of women scientists, 70.8%, consider science to be their vocation and the final professional choice.
Presentations were also made by representatives of education – T.I. Moroz, Rector of the Minsk City Institute of Education Development, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Titova E.V., Director of the Secondary School No. 152 named after S.S.Belchenko in Minsk, as well as a representative of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus – Head of the educational and methodological department of this institution, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor.
The participants of the seminar discussed the contribution of women to the development of education and science, their achievements, the ability to combine work and household chores. Excursions to the National Children’s Technopark, the Republican Center for Ecology and Local Lore, the Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as well as familiarization with the exhibition of Belarusian science were organized for the participants of the conference.
Fonte/Source: https://nasb.gov.by/eng/news/12970/