(AGENPARL) - Roma, 15 Marzo 2023(AGENPARL) – BRUXELLES mer 15 marzo 2023
On 23 March the Committee on Foreign Affairs will present a study entitled “Afghanistan: Lessons learnt from 20 years of supporting democracy, development and security”. Following the Taliban’s seizure of power in August 2021, the European Union developed a ‘Basic Needs’ approach supporting initiatives to alleviate human suffering and helping NGOs activity on the ground. This study analyses whether the EU’s external action has been considered as adequate.
The study concludes that although Afghanistan has been the largest recipient of EU development and humanitarian aid over the last two decades, the EU state-building exercises failed to account for the growing insecurity within Afghanistan and changes in the US strategy. According to the author of the study, the country should not have been treated as a ‘blank slate’ nor should peacebuilding have been rejected because it involved negotiating with the Taliban. The EU did have successes, including the establishment of a peace deal. Yet, the study concludes that the EU was too slow to recognise the impact of corruption and worked at cross-purposes with the US.
The study was requested by the Committee on Foreign Affairs and commissioned by the Policy Department for External Policies. Any opinions expressed by the author of the study do not represent the official position of the European Parliament. It will be presented on 23 March 2023, 10:00-11.00 in Antall (JAN) 2Q2.
Source : © European Union, 2023 – EP
Fonte/Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/product/product-details/20230315CAN69129