(AGENPARL) – NASHVILLE (U.S.) mer 15 marzo 2023

Vanderbilt University Office of Emergency Management will conduct a test of the AlertVU emergency notification system on Thursday, March 23, at 2:30 p.m.
AlertVU rapidly sends messages in the event of an imminent threat or danger to the Vanderbilt community.
All Vanderbilt University and medical center students, faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in the system using their university and medical center email addresses. It is also recommended to register other contact points, such as cell or home phone numbers or personal email accounts, to receive AlertVU messages when away from Vanderbilt email accounts.
Before the test, it is recommended that all staff, faculty and students review and update their contact information to ensure AlertVU message delivery.
How to update your contact information: faculty and staff
Faculty and staff AlertVU contact information is maintained in Oracle Cloud. All faculty and staff must review their contact information in Oracle Cloud to ensure that they continue to receive messages at their desired points of contact.
Click here to visit your “Personal Details” page in Oracle Cloud and review or update your AlertVU contact information. Instructions are also available here.
How to update your contact information: students
Student AlertVU contact information is maintained in YES. Please review and update your contact information in YES if you have not done so already.
For more information about AlertVU, click here.
Fonte/Source: https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2023/03/15/alertvu-test-scheduled-for-march-23/