(AGENPARL) – mar 07 febbraio 2023 [Ontario Logo]
Ontario Connecting Long-Term Care Home Residents to More Diagnostic Services
Two new pilot projects will connect residents with faster, convenient access to diagnostic services
January 31, 2023
TORONTO — The Ontario government is connecting long-term care residents to faster and convenient access to diagnostic services such as x-rays and ultrasounds. Improved access to care will help improve residents’ quality of life and reduce avoidable emergency department visits or hospital stays.
“Ontario is fixing long-term care so that every resident experiences the best possible quality of life, supported by safe, high-quality care,”said Paul Calandra,Minister of Long-Term Care. “By providing faster and more convenient access to diagnostic services, we will reduce the number of avoidable emergency department visits and in-patient hospital admissions, helping long-term care residents live happier and healthier lives.”
To start, the province is partnering on pilot projects with Humber River Hospital in Toronto and Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre in Barrie to increase access to more diagnostic services for long-term care residents, including assessment, diagnostic testing and timely interpretation of their results.
Enhanced services offered through Humber River Hospital will include:
– Increasing the number of hours for pre-booked appointments for x-ray and ultrasound services;
– Non-urgent resident transport for x-ray and ultrasound services at Humber River Hospital; and
– Increasing the number of hours a long-term care home can connect with a nurse navigator that supports long-term care homes with needs assessments and coordinating with other health care teams.
Enhanced services offered through the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre will include:
– Increasing access to x-ray services for long-term care residents who fall and require a non-urgent x-ray;
– Access to a nurse navigator at the hospital to support the long-term care resident to navigate services; and
– Non-urgent resident transport for x-ray services at Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre.
As a next step, the province will work with partners such as hospitals and community labs on a broader provincial plan to provide faster and more convenient access to care for all long-term care residents across Ontario. This may includefinding creative and innovative ways to connect residents with services inside their long-term care home, instead of travelling to a hospital or clinic.
“Our government believes in the importance of being able to connect to high-quality care that people expect, closer to home,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “These investments will ensure long-term care residents can maintain their quality of life, spend more time in their community with loved ones, and avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital.”
As part of its plan to fix long-term care, the province is also making significant investments in specialized services for residents with complex needs, building nearly 60,000 much-needed new and upgraded long-term care beds in the province by 2028, and strengthening staffing to reach our legislated goal of providing an average of four hours of direct care per resident per day by 2025.
Quick Facts
– The province will initially invest $350,000 and $1,875,000 annually over the next two years in the two initiatives announced today.
– Through a $6.4 billion investment, Ontario has 31,705 new and 28,648 upgraded beds in the planning, construction and opening stages of the development process. This will help increase overall bed capacity, address long-term care waitlists and hallway health care, and provide our seniors the care they deserve.
“Humber River Hospital is pleased to partner with our area long-term care homes to provide faster, more direct access to long-term care residents who need x-rays and ultrasounds. This is a true win for all – a win for long-term care homes and a win for hospitals.”
– Barb Collins
President & CEO of Humber River Hospital
“This partnership is critical to ensuring residents in our area long-term care homes are getting the care they need in a timely manner. We are proud to work with our partners at the County of Simcoe and with area long-term care homes to eliminate unnecessary visits to our emergency department. By getting these vulnerable patients access to diagnostic imaging studies in a more streamlined manner, we are able to provide a better patient experience for long-term care residents in our region.”
– Nancy Savage
RVH Executive Vice President and Clinical & Regional Vice President, Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario)
Additional Resources
Media Contacts
Jake Roseman
Office of the Minister of Long-Term Care
Hannah Jensen
Office of the Minister of Health
Ministry of Long-Term Care Media Line
Communications Branch
Testo Allegato: TURISMO. ASSESSORE CANER, TRAFFICO AEREO NEL NORDEST IN FORTE CRESCITA CON MERCATI INTERNAZIONALI IN RIPRESA. LO SGUARDO E PUNTATO AL 2026 (AVN) Venezia, 31 gennaio 2023 Un recupero dell81 del traffico aereo rispetto al 2019 negli scali di Venezia, Treviso, Verona e Brescia sta ad indicare la ripresa dellintero comparto turistico. Questo bilancio positivo, con 15 milioni di passeggeri transitati nel nostro Polo Aeroportuale del Nord Est, vede anche la ripresa dei mercati internazionali. I passeggeri movimentati nel 2022 sono stati oltre 9,3 milioni sullo scalo di Venezia, circa 3 milioni a Verona e oltre 2,6 a Treviso. A fronte di un mercato domestico che si confermato il principale mercato di riferimento per Venezia (24) e Verona (46), anche quelli internazionali hanno registrato un incremento consistente. A Venezia, i principali mercati internazionali sono stati Francia, Gran Bretagna e Spagna. Sullo scalo di Treviso troviamo ai primi posti Romania e Spagna, mentre a Verona, Gran Bretagna, Germania, Albania Spagna, Egitto e Grecia. Lo dice lassessore al turismo della Regione del Veneto, Federico Caner, commentando i dati sul traffico aereo diffusi oggi. La ripresa del turismo internazionale, dopo due anni drammatici segnati dalle restrizioni legate alla pandemia, trova conferma anche nei flussi turistici del Veneto prosegue lAssessore al Turismo -. Il 2022, registra un segno positivo rispetto al 2019, a cominciare dai tedeschi (7,2 degli arrivi), ma anche austriaci (6,4), svizzeri (5,1), olandesi (9,8), belgi (5,7). Diversa la situazione per i mercati dellAsia orientale (Giappone, Cina, Corea del Sud) e dellOceania (Nuova Zelanda, Australia) con flussi turistici ancora esigui rispetto al passato, ma che nel 2023 vedranno sicuramente una ripresa con una importante ricaduta per le nostre citt darte. La forte ripresa dei volumi di traffico aereo rispetto agli ultimi anni e lavvio di importanti collaborazioni e di investimenti anche in termini di infrastrutture consentono di guardare con slancio allo sviluppo del sistema aeroportuale del nord est conclude Caner -. I nostri aeroporti avranno un ruolo strategico anche in vista del grande appuntamento con i Giochi Olimpici del 2026. Essi faranno da base logistica e saranno funzionali per larrivo e la partenza degli atleti. La mobilit intermodale quindi strategica sia in termini di sviluppo turistico, sia per favorire la crescita e la conoscenza delle destinazioni del Veneto. Dobbiamo lavorare in questa direzione per definire una programmazione congiunta di medio lungo periodo capace anche di intercettare nuove possibilit di investimento. Comunicato n. 165-2023 (TURISMO) Regione del Veneto Giunta Regionale Agenzia Veneto Notizie PAGE Agenzia Veneto Notizie Ufficio Stampa della Giunta Regionale del Veneto Palazzo Balbi, Dorsoduro 3901 30123 Venezia – tel. 041 279 2910 / 041 279 3395 e-mail HYPERLINK mailtoufficiostampa@regione.veneto.it ufficiostampa@regione.veneto.it – http://www.regione.veneto.it Y, rWOyawSOKtuoxyAHXH.f1-Y,48O@jlAxFp1a5
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