(AGENPARL) – ven 28 ottobre 2022 –
Twelfth Access to Covid-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Facilitation Council meeting
The twelfth Facilitation Council of the ACT-Accelerator will take place virtually Friday, 28 October, 13:00–15:30 (CET), and will be live streamed [here](https://worldhealthorganization.cmail19.com/t/d-l-zcijut-iitylyihjr-r/).
The Facilitation Council has provided high-level political leadership and enabling advice to facilitate the work of the [COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator](https://worldhealthorganization.cmail19.com/t/d-l-zcijut-iitylyihjr-y/), its global collaborative framework, and its partnerships to ensure the realization of the ACT Accelerator vision: the rapid development, scale-up and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics, underpinned by relevant strengthening of health systems. The advice of the Council has included advocacy for collective approaches to solutions in the global interest and for the mobilization of additional resources as needed.
Primary Objectives of the 12th Facilitation Council meeting:
– Reflect on progress made to increase global access to COVID-19 tools.
– Share plans for the next phase of ACT-A, including the transition from the Council to the ACT-A Tracking & Monitoring Task Force.
– Consider the findings from the ACT-A external evaluation and learnings for Pandemic Preparedness and Response.
Please note, this is for viewing only. There will be no media Q&A at this meeting.