(AGENPARL) – ven 21 ottobre 2022 [https://files.constantcontact.com/b6dbc81b001/d41902a7-fc68-4eda-9f64-e867312eade3.jpg?rdr=true](https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019yWjkDud5LZHQSwyYh41GFpW1azmS0WYV4YEBGePs2Eykq7kjDFZxundMyDzQ5unwabLDG1VvPwovGCqN3RrrZ41rfm0QVsxuDPlCjO5GWASiJuoM5m0ijUP4OwZk2Qz6jT9pYkIWLEkAeLdET6_M3hJepYzTufa&c=ERXuS3nuVZ9UU0-xGscT2vgiyCftExA5xF-wYHQsLgxV2stFQ428cQ==&ch=H9WrPIThMfJs6gpNSPBdIB_W4PtlgjN9xRm5GiUb2Pi8upbOIgC0EQ==)
South Street Seaport Museum
Announces Monthly
Sea Chanteys and Maritime Music Live Sing-Along
Hybrid at 12 Fulton Street and on Zoom
Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 2pm ET
Photos are available for download at:
South Street Seaport Museum’s monthly sea-music events Sea Chanteys and Maritime Music––the original NYC chantey sing, now made popular on TikTok––continues in-person and virtually on Sunday, November 6, 2022, at 2pm ET, in the Seaport Museum galleries at 12 Fulton Street, NYC, and on Zoom. Join a round-robin of shared songs featuring members of The New York Packet and friends. Singers of all levels, as well as listeners, are welcome to lead or request a song, join in the choruses, or just listen as we present traditional maritime work songs and ballads on the first Sunday of every month. The event is FREE. For more information and to sign up, visit [seaportmuseum.org/chanteysing](https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0019yWjkDud5LZHQSwyYh41GFpW1azmS0WYV4YEBGePs2Eykq7kjDFZxochb_sMCCEajf5OHo95lzgzLsi62p8HhYalNxy2asLu-Y2HkUcgR010edA07mmcyRdU2LfUmnX-TkxrT9rMtN5DynUm0tTmALFm8GOhsfqMK0qu3zvePfE6TJ0QjTXS2w==&c=ERXuS3nuVZ9UU0-xGscT2vgiyCftExA5xF-wYHQsLgxV2stFQ428cQ==&ch=H9WrPIThMfJs6gpNSPBdIB_W4PtlgjN9xRm5GiUb2Pi8upbOIgC0EQ==).
Before and after the Sing, in-person participants are invited to tour the Seaport Museum gallery exhibitions at 12 Fulton Street, as well as visit 1885 tall ship Wavertree and the 1908 lightship Ambrose on Pier 16, all free of charge.
“The fanciful lyrics and portraits of a far-off life at sea were a perfect balm for people across the country and world dealing with the continued fallout of the pandemic and lockdowns last year.” – Daily News
“Shows the power of TikTok – and now New Yorkers can get in on it! The Museum is really open about this idea that some beloved sea chanteys are racist or sexist. I love that they call it out! There’s also a chat where you can talk about this and talk about the context as the song is happening.”
– Jennifer Vanasco, WNYC Radio
After years of meeting in person on the historic tall ship Wavertree, the event moved online in April 2020 and took place virtually during the pandemic. This winter, South Street Seaport Museum’s Chantey Sing will use a hybrid format, offering options to join both in-person and online, having evolved into the preeminent virtual chantey sing in the world. The program features professionals and amateurs, old salts and new initiates, from across the street, across the country, and across the pond. South Street Seaport Museum actively recruits and supports new and diverse singers for each song.
“A fine mix of familiar songs and some new ones that should be better known. The fact that performers came from all over, from the Netherlands, the UK, Canada, and across the US, gave a wonderful feeling of this special musical community we all share,” wrote one participant.
“This venue draws some excellent, knowledgeable singers and I always learn. Today I came away with four songs I wanted to learn,” wrote another participant. “Joy!”