Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Burundi
Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America
As Delivered by Patrick Elliot, Human Rights Officer
Human Rights Council – 50th Session
Thank you, Madame Vice President.
The United States remains deeply concerned by ongoing reports of human rights violations and abuses by state security forces and others. We also condemn human rights abuses committed by armed groups.
We urge the government to thoroughly investigate and prosecute cases of alleged extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances, torture, and other human rights violations and abuses.
We appreciate the work of Burundi’s Independent National Commission on Human Rights to document reported cases of torture by state intelligence officers, but we remain troubled by the lack of accountability.
We welcome the relicensing of the BBC and urge further steps to enable greater freedom of expression and space for civil society and political parties.
The United States calls on the Government of Burundi to grant access to special procedure mandate holders, including the Special Rapporteur, in line with its public commitments to advance human rights and reengage the international community.
Our question is to the Special Rapporteur: How are you engaging the Government of Burundi to facilitate trust and encourage greater cooperation with human rights mechanisms?
Thank you.