(AGENPARL) – GENEVA mer 29 giugno 2022
Aid for Trade Global Review 2022
How Can Exporting Countries Improve Utilization of US Trade Preference Programs?
Sponsored by the US Delegation to the WTO
July 27, 2022
OBJECTIVE: To learn more about why US trade preferences are not being utilized, whether it’s because of a lack of knowledge, difficulty in compliance, or other reasons, and to suggest ways to improve utilization. We will also highlight examples of AGOA beneficiaries who have used the tariff preference program to be competitive in the U.S. market and discuss what we can learn from their success.
The United States has five programs that provide preferential tariff treatment based on either geographic location or development status that cover 130 beneficiaries. In some product sectors, beneficiaries of these programs might not be taking full advantage of the trade preferences. This session will look at rules of origin and utilization rates for these programs and investigate what hinders greater utilization by beneficiaries. For example, utilization of preferences—even for goods that are wholly obtained—can vary significantly among beneficiaries and can even vary year-to-year for an individual beneficiary. We will investigate how supply chains for certain products, such as textiles, apparel, and bicycles, interact with rules of origin and other factors to affect utilization of the preference programs.
Part 1 – Exporting countries and utilization of US Trade Preference Programs: An Overview
Kent Shigetomi
Director for Multilateral Non-Tariff Barriers, USTR -
Darlan F. Martí
Trade Policy Specialist, WTO -
Stefano Inama
Chief, Technical Assistance, Trade and Customs, UNCTAD
Part 2 – Case Studies: Why companies make the sourcing decisions they do?
Patrick Fox
Senior Director, Customs and Trade Strategy, VF Corporation -
Cen Williams
Hub Leader for Africa and Middle East region, PVH Corporation -
Greg Poole
Chief Sourcing Officer, The Children’s Place -
Bob Margevicius
Executive Vice President, Specialized Bicycles
Part 3 – A guided conversation Q&A
Paul Fekete
Senior International Trade Advisor, USAID’s Center for Economics and Market Development
The post How Can Exporting Countries Improve Utilization of US Trade Preference Programs? appeared first on U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Geneva.
Fonte/Source: https://geneva.usmission.gov/2022/06/29/aid-for-trade-global-review-2022/