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On the Release of the 2023 Country Reports on Terrorism [ https://www.state.gov/on-the-release-of-the-2023-country-reports-on-terrorism/ ] 12/12/2024 03:15 PM EST
Office of the Spokesperson
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On the Release of the 2023 Country Reports on Terrorism
Media Note
December 12, 2024
The Department of State has issued the 2023 Country Reports on Terrorism (CRT), which provide a detailed look at how the counterterrorism environment and associated threats have evolved over the past year, fulfilling an important Congressional mandate. Each year, the CRT provides insight on important issues in the fight against terrorism and helps the United States make informed decisions about policies, programs, and resource allocations as we seek to build counterterrorism capacity and resilience around the globe.
Amid a constantly changing threat landscape, the CRT provides an overview of how we marshal international efforts to counter terrorism. Among the many accomplishments highlighted in the 2023 report are our efforts to refine the focus of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS to address new regions of concern; the continued designation of racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist groups and their leaders; and the repatriation of more than 5,500 foreign terrorist fighters from detention facilities and associated family members from displaced persons camps in northeast Syria.
As the United States adapts its counterterrorism approach to keep pace with evolving threats, the CRT continues to serve as a valuable resource in assessing the global terrorism landscape.
The 2023 Country Reports on Terrorism are available here [ https://www.state.gov/reports/country-reports-on-terrorism-2023/ ].
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