(AGENPARL) – lun 03 luglio 2023 Press Release CoR/23/79.enBrussels, 30 June 2023 President Cordeiro meets Commission President von der Leyen ahead of plenary debates on EU budget, green transition, and entrepreneurshipCommittee of Regions in exchange with top level of European Commission, discussing policy priorities and imp
Press Release
Brussels, 30 June 2023
President Cordeiro meets Commission President von der Leyen ahead of plenary debates on EU budget, green transition, and entrepreneurship
Committee of Regions in exchange with top level of European Commission, discussing policy priorities and implications for regions and cities one year ahead of European elections.
The President of the European Committee of the Regions, Vasco Alves Cordeiro, will meet the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on 5 July to discuss the future of cohesion, the review of the EU’s long-term budget, and next year’s elections to the European Parliament.
President Alves Cordeiro will hold a press point outside the European Commission (nearby the staff entrance) at the end of the meeting, at 14:30 on 5 July. The meeting will be held just before the opening of the plenary of the European Committee of the Regions.
The mid-term review of the EU’s long-term budget, democracy, green industry, pollution, and enlargement will be the principal issues addressed at the two-day plenary. The debates will feature members of the European Commission V?ra Jourová, Virginijus Sinkevi?ius, Olivér Várhelyi, and Johannes Hahn.
The need to enhance cooperation to fight global challenges – including to limit climate change and protect democracy – will drive a debate with sub-national leaders from the United States, with Robin Vos, speaker of the Wisconsin State Legislature, representing the National Conference of State Legislatures., and Eric Adams, mayor of New York,
The plenary will also see the European Entrepreneurial Region awards given to three regions The awards, which were initiated in 2011 by the European Committee of the Regions, recognise regions that are implementing ambitious, robust and sustainable entrepreneurial strategies.
On the sidelines of the plenary, the CoR and other members of the [European Alliance of Cities and Regions for the Reconstruction of Ukraine](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/i8f5ywSmUeGf9C54wXI5bxS8bG1zggpNzKiAXuMTgxIx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) will meet on 6 July to discuss follow-up to the Ukraine Recovery Conference held in London on 21-22 June, at which European Commission pledged €50 billion in fresh support to Ukraine.
[Follow the plenary on the CoR website](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/vRPxKvWt7xUzq1Lob60rK5qQVniJlXkXn4lipkj4oTMx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx)
6 July, 12.35 p.m.: The [European Entrepreneurial Regions](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/PSxImy2OxhOpF94DTuzfGxj7EE0fhrxrGwyvixbRI4gx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (EER) initiative will award the EER 2024 label to three regions – from Czechia, Italy, and Portugal – that have demonstrated their commitment to implementing ambitious entrepreneurial strategies for sustainable, resilient, and digital economic growth. The European Committee of the Regions, the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, and social partners were among the jury. The successful territories represent three EU member states and vary in terms of type, size, and level of economic development. The awards will be followed by a debate with members of the CoR.
6 July, 2.30 p.m.: The [Ukraine Recovery Conference](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/0573oagb6eJaLNb4Yj7dKUyx4Tk9xpdtub8uxxysN1kx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (URC), held in London on 21-22 June, was the biggest event of the year focused on supporting Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. Several of the prominent Ukrainian speakers at the event – Oleksandra Azarkhina, Deputy Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development, Viktor Mykyta, chairman of the Chamber of Regions of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, and Oleksandr Sienkevych, mayor of Mykolaiv –will speak as will Vadym Boychenko, mayor of Mariupol.The CoR co-hosted a major meeting on 25 May in the [run-up](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/GqCJTNGas0DevxF9i3GqWYYjWRZmS0xGMY6UxoZMargx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) to the URC and was among the speakers [at the URC](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/ob6bgxbRTZfP5YVhgeGjVIur8oYN7QJ2yjlGzaKAz3wx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx).
5 July, 3.05 p.m.: Debate on the role of local and regional authorities in the defence of democracy, with [V?ra Jourová](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/h1PFJ6iqjftz7fDjkiGWjvPeWEuRcI15tcllxZbTChwx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx), Vice-President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency. The CoR’s proposals emphasise media literacy education, support for local media, and cooperation with civil society and expert partners as part of a comprehensive and systemic response model to disinformation that reaches into rural as well as urban areas.
5 July, 4.20 p.m.: Debate on the revision of the EU legislation about urban waste-water treatment and ambient air quality, with [Virginijus Sinkevi?ius](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/CBgfhwzsWuLE9YaF4xBGutJBt6DSdjCxBLk4EuHxkW4x/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx), European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries. Proposals from the CoR, which co-chairs the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform, highlight the need for targeted support for towns and smaller regions, for controls at the source of pollution, and for producers to be held responsible for the entire lifecycle of their products.
5 July, 5.50 p.m.: Debate on the multiannual financial framework, with [Johannes Hahn](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/u2aKwKbmc9tGPxfa1BFxmObL5AYuWSZOqWN9gWXLHWkx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx), European Commissioner for Budget and Administration. Local and regional authorities are vital to the success of the EU’s spending in areas such as cohesion, resilience, climate, sustainable transport, research, innovation, and the just transition. In the review of the MFF, the CoR is emphasising reinforcing existing programmes, avoiding fragmentation, protecting Cohesion policy funding, and focusing on the green and digital transitions.
6 July, 9.25 a.m.: Debate on the role of sub-national governments in the EU and USA in tackling current challenges, with [Robin Vos](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/vyjxOx4fKaA3kmCcpFwqArvD9Oiffke9Y6EegcmuF8kx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx), President of the National Conference of State Legislatures, and [Eric Adams](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/TR3yXXZEUxxv1ppGkK7mSoxYMaDh0Ez5m9tPTSSE5LYx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx), Mayor of New York. The debate will focus on the role of subnational governments and organisations representing them in the EU and US in tackling current challenges, in particular: strengthening democracy, fostering sustainable growth and development.
6 July, 10.25 a.m.: Debate on the role of local and regional authorities in the EU enlargement process, with [Olivér Várhelyi](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/Iy57nENZhxx70qGfGycQqGgBd9idxKCQxgLHQsudOYcx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx), European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement. The CoR focuses on facilitating political dialogue and capacity-building with local and regional partners in candidate countries, including Ukraine and Moldova. Most EU legislation requires the participation of local and regional authorities, and this debate will focus on their contribution in a critical phase of EU enlargement.
– “The role of local and regional authorities in countering foreign information manipulation and interference”. Rapporteur-General:[][Gustaw Marek Brzezin](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/qa6SsvTpfHxxAOFot1CXNg6XKLfR04zIMvA2fYeThI8x/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (PL/EPP), president of Warmi?sko-Mazurskie Region.
– “Revision of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive”. Rapporteur: [Asa Agren Wikström](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/GL42q95SeBDqI9qpf0N0nsuPLlHvhkWwvsiDlaVkGPEx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (SE/EPP), member of Västerbotten County Council.
– “Revision of the EU Ambient Air Quality Legislation.” Rapporteur: [Una Power](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/UZI2gsOAJCfO4K7qunSxKlxEyaCrod8xaci1SxlgEbox/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (IE/Greens), County Councillor for Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
– “Critical raw materials package.” Rapporteur-General: [Isolde Ries](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/nPSiS1kX1moSRreknRO9sAIcklxSROl3QbxtMpGRtycx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (DE/PES), First Vice-President of the Saarland Regional Parliament.
– “Net Zero Industry Act.” Rapporteur-General: [Anchor][Mark Speich](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/pOUedLQZ0MSxp10UEHLRIkayVJGWzz0uOlOVHZavfVox/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (DE/EPP), secretary of state for federal, European and international affairs, North Rhine-Westphalia.
– “Reform of the EU electricity market design.” Rapporteur-General: [Josef Frey](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/dnDxh0rxxrBqG24RZSrx0bisriDLxpKXbEuUrIqxBs8x/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (DE/Greens), member of Baden-Württemberg State Parliament.
– “Fostering the potential and synergies of EU Green Deal initiatives for regions and cities.” Rapporteur: [Andries Gryffroy](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/81yYzsQpqBfj0u2TElVHhwILhXMvCSnErjeUVtqPx5Ax/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) (BE/European Alliance), member of the Flemish Parliament.
Practical information:
Location: Paul Henri Spaak building – Hemicycle, European Parliament, 60 rue Wiertz, Brussels, Belgium
Date: Wednesday, 5 July – Thursday, 6 July 2023.
Background material: The plenary [agenda and opinions and amendments](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/taN5gLrjeRlCmBtmIgvoxumqfP61TkwSngxND9SxcKcx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx).
Webstreaming: On the [website](https://09801feb6b8b4098a1909fa5964fc421.svc.dynamics.com/t/t/VdSoGpntYtxSQ7gBpq2FX9xxfFhhZnJ979NRK50eJdAx/xBCe33jI1qKwSJyP0ZTv0XZphqe2Ve2cLhlENVWkZlsx) of the CoR.