(AGENPARL) – mar 26 aprile 2022 PRESS RELEASE
XXII UISG Plenary Assembly
Embracing Vulnerability on the Synodal Journey
Rome, 2-6 May, Hotel Ergife
Comunicato Stampa in Italiano [qui](/files/allegatodocumento/2022/Comunicato_Stampa_UISG_Plenary_e_Meeting_Point_finale_jCvSESY.pdf)
Press Conference in English [here](/files/allegatodocumento/2022/Press_release_UISG_Plenary_and_Meeting_Point_final_V6NiUD0.pdf)
From 2-6 May, the XII UISG Plenary Assembly will take place both in person at the Hotel Ergife and online.
A Meeting Point will take place on 29 April, at 12:00, in the Holy See Press Office, where we will present the following themes.
Sr. Jolanta Kafka, President of UISG (Spanish, Italian, Polish)
Sr. Patricia Murray, Executive Secretary of UISG (English)
Sr. Franca Zonta, Superior General of the Marianist Sisters (Italian, French)
Sr. Roxanne Schares, Superior General of the School Sisters of Notre Dame (English)
Almost 700 Superiors General will take part in the 2022 Plenary Assembly, 520 of whom will be present in Rome.
Those participating come from 71 different countries. The mostly highly represented continent is Europe, where many Congregations’ Generalates are located.
The most highly represented country in Africa is the Democratic Republic of the Congo; in Asia, India; in North America, the USA; in Central and South America, Mexico and Brazil.
The theme of Synodality will accompany the week-long meeting, with presentations provided by 10 speakers, covering 5 key themes:
Vulnerability, Synodal Process, Religious Life and Synodality, Peripheries, Called to Transformation.
Sr Jolanta Kafka, rmi, President of UISG, says: “There are many ways to make synodality visible: our assembly, through its content and method, is an experience of synodality within religious life. We truly hope to experience a privileged space for listening, of searching together with the Holy Spirit. We will dialogue about how we are contributing to the synodal process in the Church, how we can encourage profound listening in a synodal style and how to enter into a dynamic of communitarian discernment as Church, acknowledging vulnerability as a typically human characteristic.”
Since 1965, UISG has been offering a place where Superiors General can meet within an ecclesiastic context. With members coming from all over the world, our objective is to create bridges and networks so as to create new strategies and synergies that allow women religious to communicate beyond geographic distances and linguistic-cultural differences, so they can be in communion with each other and together construct a global community.
Its members number more than 1900 Superiors General, whose Generalates are located in 97 countries throughout the world.
Europe: 25 countries 1046 superiors
Asia: 16 countries 184 superiors
Americas: 30 countries 479 superiors
Africa: 22 countries 166 superiors
Oceania: 4 countries 28 superiors
Process for accreditation and participation
29 April 2022 – Holy See Press Office
Journalists and media outlets who want to participate must send a request at least 24 hours prior to the event, through the online accreditation system of the Holy See Press Office, found at https://press.vatican.va/accreditamenti, selecting the event “XXII Assemblea Plenaria UISG” – Interviste.
The Meeting point will be streamed in original language on the Vatican News Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/VaticanNews
2-6 May 2022 – UISG Plenary – Online and in person (at the Hotel Ergife, Rome)
To obtain accreditation to participate in the UISG Plenary, [click here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKt1rxeAAa9EnPXEnYs64IA4uxJbF4whi639ObrIRcGxpH6Q/viewform?usp=sf_link) and fill out the form.
Official Hashtag: #UISGPlenary2022; #UISGPlenary
Interviews, Photos: https://bit.ly/UISGPlenary2022_DOCS
Contact Information:
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