(AGENPARL) – Tue 25 March 2025 Please find our latest news release below.
Andrew Fagg
Media Officer
Working hours: Mon | Tue | Fri
Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Yoredale | Bainbridge | Leyburn | DL8 3EL
News Release
Last public consultation opens on Local Plan
Bainbridge, 25 March 2025
A final round of consultation has begun on a new Local Plan for the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
The Local Plan contains the planning policies that will guide development in the National Park until 2040.
Known as the “Publication Draft Local Plan”, it is essentially what the National Park Authority considers to be its final plan. At this stage in the process the consultation becomes more formal, with people asked to comment on whether the plan is “sound” and to outline the changes needed if they feel it isn’t.
Further details and all the key documents can be found online, or viewed at the offices of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority in Bainbridge (Yoredale) and Grassington (Colvend). Responses must be received by noon on Tuesday 6 May 2025.
Member Champion for Sustainable Development at the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Richard Foster, said: “We think our Local Plan meets the needs of local communities in terms of housing and business development. It has policies to support land-based and other rural enterprise, provides a unified set of planning policies for the whole National Park for the first time since 2016, and sets out policies to support nature recovery and make new development more resilient to the effects of climate change.
“Putting land forward for building in a National Park will always create debate. However, we feel that this plan takes into account the special nature of the National Park whilst future proofing the area both in employment and housing so that our communities and services can continue to thrive as we look forward to 2040 and beyond.
“I would like to thank partner organisations for their support in producing the Local Plan, particularly North Yorkshire Council and Westmorland & Furness Council who, as the housing authorities, are ultimately responsible for enabling the affordable homes we need here.”
The Local Plan includes details of the sites within the Yorkshire Dales National Park for the building of new homes, to meet a target 50 new dwellings a year. The Local Plan also includes a new policy which introduces a principal occupancy condition on all new homes, which is designed to ensure all new housing is permanently occupied rather than used as second homes or holiday lets.
Comments received during the public consultation will, with the Local Plan, be submitted to an independent Planning Inspector. Following examination, the Inspector will decide whether the Authority can adopt the Local Plan. The Authority anticipates it will be able to adopt the Local Plan in early 2026.
Note to Newsdesk
Image: ‘Last consultation opens on new Local Plan. The plan seeks to encourage new affordable housing, as seen here, from the air, in the village of Bainbridge.’
Full URL for the Local Plan documents: http://www.yorkshiredales.org.uk/park-authority/living-and-working/planning-policy/local-plan-2023-40/local-plan-process/publication-stage-regulation-19/
1. The Yorkshire Dales National Park is one of 15 National Parks in the UK. It is administered by the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, which has two main purposes: “to conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage” and “to promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the National Park”. In carrying out these purposes, the Authority has a duty “to seek to foster the economic and social well being of local communities”. The National Park Authority comprises 25 members, made up of unitary, county and city councillors and members appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment to represent parishes or in recognition of their specialist skills or knowledge.
1. All of our work is guided by the vision for the future of the National Park set out in the Yorkshire Dales National Park Management Plan: “Through their passion for this special place, local people and businesses will keep the Yorkshire Dales National Park a thriving area. Its unique cultural landscape will be treasured for its stunning scenery, exceptional heritage and wonderful wildlife, and every year millions of people will be inspired to be a part of it.”