None [1] Press service ** European Parliament ** Press release 07-02-2025 None [2] Press seminar: applying EU rules against foreign interference On Tuesday 11 February,Parliament’s Press Services are organising a seminar on “Defending Europe’s Digital Integrity: Addressing Social Media Challenges and Foreign Interference”. /When/*/: Tuesday 11 February,14.00 – 16.00 CET/ /Where/*/: European Parliament in Strasbourg and remotely./ /How/*/: //Journalists wishing to participate need to email // [3] with / None [4]// / in cc. / The seminar is expected to focus primarily on the application of the Digital Services Act [5] and the Media Freedom Act [6] . It will be structured in two parts. Roundtable (on the record,in person and online)* – Christel SCHALDEMOSE [7] (S&D,DK): Vice-President of the European Parliament,Chair of the Bureau Working Group on Digital Transformation,Cybersecurity and Information Security and Rapporteur and Chair of the Scrutiny Group on DSA – Sabine VERHEYEN [8] (EPP,DE): Vice President of the European Parliament,Chair of the Bureau Working Group on Communication,Outreach and Research and responsible for Artificial Intelligence,Rapporteur and Chair of the Scrutiny Group of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) – Aude MAIO-COLICHE: EEAS Director of Strategic Communications in charge of FIMI (Foreign Information Manipulation & Interference) Technical briefing (off the record,in person only)* – Representatives of the Spokesperson’s Unit,European Parliament – Representatives of IMCO / LIBE / EUDS (tbc) Committees – Representatives of European Commission DG Connect (tbc) Background* Over the past 10 years,global information ecosystems have increasingly become geostrategic battlegrounds. Authoritarian state actors are testing and fine-tuning techniques to manipulate public opinion and foment divisions and tension,to systematically undermine democratic societies. Therefore,the tech companies that underpin those open information ecosystems – and that help provide the infrastructure used for information manipulation – are asked to take more responsibility. The EU’s increasing response to unintentional,but harmful misinformation and intentionally deceptive disinformation includes landmark digital regulation,with the Digital Services Act (DSA) as a cornerstone. –> Media Seminars [9]