(AGENPARL) – mer 14 febbraio 2024 [cid:3b3b6c39-0703-4f05-92f8-b0473dff7108]
Media Advisory
Sixth?session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)
26 February – 1 March 2024
The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) will take place from 26 February to 1 March 2024 at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.
UNEA-6 will focus on how multilateralism can help tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. Backed by strong science, political resolve and engagement with society, the Assembly will be an opportunity for world governments, civil society groups, the scientific community?and the private sector to shape the global environmental policy.
What to watch out for:
The Assembly will be preceded by the sixth meeting of the Open-ended Committee of Permanent Representatives, from 19 to 23 February at the same location, which will help lay the groundwork for the Assembly. Informal consultations in the form of working groups/contact groups will be organized as hybrid meetings, with a combination of in-person and online participation through an online platform.
The Climate and Clean Air Conference 2024 will take place from 21 to 23 February on the margins of UNEA-6 and feature a media dialogue on 22 February from 15:30 EAT. The dialogue will bring together interested journalists and leading scientists and policy makers to discuss reporting on the science, policy and stories around air pollution.
The Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF) will also take place prior to UNEA-6, on 24 and 25 February, providing an avenue for Major Groups and Stakeholders to craft their stances, statements, and contributions for the UNEA-6 process.
The High-Level Segment
* The high-level segment of UNEA-6 will take place on 29 February and 1 March. The segment consists of:
* An opening plenary with statements by key dignitaries including Heads of State and Government.
* Three leadership dialogues
* Super-highway or still in slow-motion: Are science, data and digitalization really speeding our transition to a sustainable future? (Thursday 29 February, 15:00 to 16:30 EAT)
* Show me the money: Can the global financial system really tackle climate change, nature loss and pollution?
(Friday 1 March, 10:00 to 11:30 EAT)
Alive and kicking: Environmental multilateralism is a beacon of hope but is it delivering fast enough?
(Friday 1 March, 11:30 to 13:00 EAT)
* A multi-stakeholder dialogue and a closing plenary during which the Assembly will take action on a draft ministerial declaration as well as draft resolutions and decisions.
Multilateral Environmental Agreements day
* To highlight the importance of cooperation with multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), a full day (28 February) will be devoted to the discussion, with an opening plenary meeting and two consecutive high-level dialogues. The outcomes of the two dialogues will be presented at the closing plenary of UNEA-6.
Report Launches
* Used Heavy-Duty Vehicle and The Environment (Thursday 22 February, Noon EAT – TBC) This report is the first attempt to quantify and qualify used heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) globally. It analyses the flow and scale of used HDVs from three major used HDVs exporters – Japan, the European Union (EU) and Republic of Korea. It also reviews the regulatory environment for used HDVs import in 146 countries, 122 of which are low- and middle- income countries.
* Global Waste Management Outlook 2 (Tuesday 28 February, 14:30 EAT – TBC) – The report will discuss current challenges, trends, and opportunities in waste management. It also provides possible pathways to reducing waste and improving its management – following the waste hierarchy – with the goal that all waste materials are managed as a resource.
* Global Resources Outlook (Friday 1 March, 12:30 EAT – TBC) The report came as a request from the?UN Environment Assembly in a resolution to receive regular reporting on the state and impact of, and outlook for, resource use globally. It will cover an overview of trends in resource consumption broken down by region and country income groups.
Several Side-Events
* Official side events will be convened in-person?and virtually during lunch breaks and in the evenings. Each of these 75-minute side events is intended to enrich and complement the UNEA-6 session by providing a unique opportunity to discuss the theme, share experiences, find solutions and inspire partnerships towards tackling climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
Youth Events
* Leading up to UNEA-6, young environmentalists will gather for the Youth Environment Assembly (YEA) for policy discussions and the formulation of the Global Youth Declaration on Environment (17 – 18 February)
* UNEA-6 will also host other events, such as:
* The Gala of Hope: Celebration and Reception (27 February, 18:30 EAT)
* A High-level Panel from words to effective actions on the role of young people in addressing the triple planetary crisis (1 March, 13:30 to 14:45 EAT)
Information guide
* There is a Q&A page for the most frequently asked questions such as travel support, interpretation, how to follow online, etc
* The Practical information page contains information on eTA, recommended hotels, maps, how to download the app, etc
* The UNEA handbook for delegates covers all there is to know about participation to UNEA and how it is organized
* Information about official side-events, associated events, MEA side-events and Green Room events can be found on their respective pages, including contact details of organizers