(AGENPARL) – VENEZIA mar 16 maggio 2023 Speaker: Federica Sarro, University College London (UCL) – UK
Realizing modern software systems poses new challenges to the software engineers: Users of applications running on limited capability devices still demand acceptable performance, users of systems relying on artificial intelligence to take decision (rightly) reclaim a fair treatment; users of social networking systems expect to be protected against malicious behaviours. Moreover, AI-enabled software systems are so energy-greedy that their usage is causing an alarming surge in energy consumption with a significant increase in CO2 emissions. Equipping software with appealing functionalities and minimising faults, is not enough if the emerging non-functional properties of these systems, such as fairness, safety, and sustainability, are not considered.
In this talk, I will discuss opportunity to use Search-based Software Engineering (SBSE) to optimise modern software systems (functional and) non-functional properties. In fact, we cannot expect that a software engineer, regardless of their level of expertise, would be able to manually find all opportunities for optimising them. I will introduce SBSE, review research trends and discuss directions and open challenges towards achieving better, fairer, safer, and greener software.
Bio Sketch
Federica Sarro is a Professor of Software Engineering at University College London, where she is the Head of the Software System Engineering group and has established and lead the SOLAR group within the CREST centre. Her research covers Predictive Analytics for Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering and Search-Based Software Engineering, with a focus on automated software management, optimisation, testing and repair. On these topics she has published over 80 peer-reviewed scholarly articles in well-renowned Software Engineering venues and has also received several international awards, latest the IEEE Technical Council Software Engineering Rising Star Award for her excellence in Software Engineering research with scholarly and real-world impact. She is currently Visiting Scholar at Ca’ Foscari University.
Web page: http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/F.Sarro/ , https://solar.cs.ucl.ac.uk/
Fonte/Source: http://www.unive.it/data/agenda/1/75032