(AGENPARL) – mar 14 marzo 2023 [Manitoba Media Notice]
March 14, 2023
Manitoba Government Introduces Legislation for Licensing to Ensure Quality and Safety of Addictions Services
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Standards Would Improve Transparency, Ensure Services are
Safe and Accountable to Individuals and Families: Morley-Lecomte
The Manitoba government has introduced legislation to establish licensing that would ensure all addictions services in the province follow new quality standards of care, Mental Health and Community Wellness Minister Janice Morley-Lecomte announced today.
“Safety, consistency and accountability are foundational principles of our province’s recovery-oriented system of addictions treatment and care,” said Morley-Lecomte. “All Manitobans accessing addictions services need high-quality, safe and effective care throughout their recovery journeys.”
The Addictions Services Act would apply to providers offering bed-based treatment, withdrawal management and other addictions and harm reduction services. The scope of services could be expanded as the landscape of addictions treatment continues to evolve, the minister said.
To become provincially licensed, service providers would need to follow requirements related to quality standards, safety and security of individuals and communities, and staff qualifications and competencies.
“Manitobans have told us they want confidence in addictions services,” said Morley-Lecomte. “This legislation would improve transparency and ensure these services are safe and accountable to individuals and their families.”
The act would come into effect in January 2025. Organizations providing addictions services before that time would then have six months to obtain licences.
The minister added the legislation is particularly important as the Manitoba government invests more than $12 million through a commitment to create and support up to 1,000 publicly funded spaces to help individuals get effective treatment.
As well as increased safety, the new licensing would ensure appropriate oversight and require that pathways to recovery-oriented health and social supports are available to individuals accessing addictions services.
“We have heard through our stakeholder engagements that there is a shared desire to improve access to addictions treatment,” said Morley-Lecomte. “We thank the many service providers who have played, and continue to play, a key role in these critical health services for Manitobans.”
The legislation aligns with the Manitoba government’s multi-year strategic plan, A Pathway to Mental Health and Community Wellness: A Roadmap for Manitoba, which was announced in February 2022 following extensive public and stakeholder engagement.
For details on the strategy, visit https://gov.mb.ca/mh/docs/roadmap.pdf.
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For more information:
– Public information, contact Manitoba Government Inquiry: 1-866-626-4862 or 204-945-3744.
– Media requests for ministerial comment, contact Communications and Stakeholder Relations: 204-451-7109.