(AGENPARL) – mer 18 gennaio 2023 Il Teatro Goldoni compie 400 anni e si rifà il look. Grazie all’intervento del Comune di Venezia a partire dal 1 febbraio 2023 prendono il via i lavori di restyling del Teatro Goldoni: dalla sostituzione delle poltrone della platea all’adeguamento dell’impianto elettrico, il piano di manutenzioni straordinarie necessarie all’ottenimento del Certificato di Prevenzione Incendi porterà alla chiusura temporanea del teatro più antico della città, che tornerà ad accogliere il pubblico da settembre 2023 per l’inaugurazione della stagione 23/24 in un nuovo splendore.
“Da anni questa Amministrazione – ha sottolineato l’assessore Francesca Zaccariotto – sta lavorando per poter raggiungere l’obiettivo dell’ottenimento del certificato di prevenzione incendi, mettendo a norma il teatro: una bella scommessa che riusciamo a realizzare in tempi brevi. Non si tratta di lavori di carattere estetico, ma strutturali e fondamentali per la sicurezza del teatro e del suo pubblico. Fino ad ora annualmente il sindaco, che è anche assessore alla Cultura, si è assunto la responsabilità di firmare un provvedimento in deroga per l’agibilità del teatro. Nel 2019 abbiamo avviato interventi più modesti, ma essenziali per sistemare infiltrazioni e garantire impermeabilizzazioni. Nel 2020, con un finanziamento di oltre un milione di euro, abbiamo intrapreso il percorso per l’ottenimento del CPI creando i presupposti indispensabili. L’intervento che verrà avviato dal primo di febbraio ci consentirà di mettere in sicurezza il teatro e di realizzare un restyling complessivo. Sarà anche l’occasione per affrontare il tema dell’accessibilità, garantendo spazi adeguati alle persone con disabilità”.
“Il Teatro Goldoni, con i suoi 400 anni di storia, è tra i più prestigiosi teatri di prosa in Italia e, grazie alla lungimiranza dell’amministrazione del Comune di Venezia, con questo importante intervento tornerà ad essere una delle sale modello della prosa italiana – dichiara il presidente del Teatro Stabile del Veneto Giampiero Beltotto -. Siamo grati alla Fenice per la collaborazione dimostrataci nell’accogliere gli spettacoli della stagione al Teatro Malibran, dove proseguiremo la stagione in questi mesi di lavori.
Riapriremo a settembre con un teatro in completa sicurezza, più accessibile a tutti, più comodo e con una livrea all’altezza della storia che lo ha attraversato”.
A partire da La dolce ala della giovinezza, in scena dal 23 al 26 febbraio 2023 con Elena Sofia Ricci e la regia di Pier Luigi Pizzi, il Teatro Stabile del Veneto trasferirà al Teatro Malibran gli spettacoli della stagione in corso grazie alla collaborazione con la Fondazione Teatro La Fenice. Continueranno, invece, ad essere ospitati in completa sicurezza nella sala prove del Goldoni gli appuntamenti dei laboratori e la biglietteria del Teatro resterà aperta al pubblico durante tutto il periodo dei lavori.
Nell’ambito di questa vasta pianificazione di manutenzione straordinaria si inserisce anche il progetto di rifacimento delle poltrone della platea. Assieme alla moquette della sala, il vecchio modello di “poltrona Goldoni” verrà sostituto con una nuova versione: una rivisitazione dell’esistente che, pur riprendendone la forma e il classico colore rosso-arancio, sarà caratterizzata da un design moderno, da materiali più resistenti e durevoli all’usura del tempo, da un facile sistema di montaggio e da una struttura più comoda e confortevole. È prevista, inoltre, la realizzazione di un’area di sosta da destinare a quattro carrozzine per rendere il teatro Goldoni sempre più accessibile a tutti gli spettatori.
La sala, infine, sarà dotata di un nuovo impianto audio, ad integrazione di quello esistente, che sarà posizionato e mimetizzato completamente con le strutture del teatro in linea con gli standard internazionali.
Galleria fotografica: https://v41.it/L15o2
Contributo video: https://we.tl/t-zqEjJsGM0c
Venezia, 18 gennaio 2023
ComunicareVenezia – Agenzia multimediale di informazione istituzionale
Testo Allegato:
PRESS RELEASE2023-016-ENYerevan, 18 January 2023 Armenia: Team Europe to continue investing in a safe, energy-efficient and resilient future for the country Today marks the opening of kindergarten no. 47 in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, refurbished under a construction project to create around 50 learning facilities that are warmer, more resistant to earthquakes and more energy efficient. The €15 million Yerevan energy efficiency project is supported by EIB Global, the E5P, GCF via UNDP, and Yerevan municipality.EIB Global also joined the Resilient Syunik Team Europe Initiative to support the construction of two educational and training centres for up to 6 000 children and young adults from 50 rural communities in Southern Armenia.Today in kindergarten no. 47, newly renovated to be safer and more energy efficient, children and staff were welcomed by EU Ambassador to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin, Head of Unit at DG NEAR (EU Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement) David Cullen, Head of Regional Representation for the South Caucasus at the European Investment Bank (EIB) Maciej Czura, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Armenia Natia Natsvlishvili, and First Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Levon Hovhannisyan. They were pleased to announce the completion of facility upgrades for earthquake safety and energy efficiency made under the Yerevan energy efficiency project. 15 kindergartens in all will receive comprehensive renovation for energy efficiency, while around 35 will benefit from horizontal energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. The renovation works included a complete seismic upgrade, structural reinforcement, integration of solar photovoltaic and water heating systems and improvements for energy efficiency. The kindergarten was also adapted for people with limited mobility to make it more accessible to children and staff with disabilities and improve social inclusion. First Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Levon Hovhannisyan said, “We are here today to celebrate the completion of works on kindergarten no. 47, with more to come this year. Thanks to funding and expertise from the European Union, the EIB, the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environmental Partnership (E5P) Fund and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), kindergartens in Yerevan will be warmer and more energy-efficient places for learning. The new energy efficiency measures will make our kindergartens more comfortable and safer for children and their educators. In addition to better learning and working conditions, the project will also result in much lower operating costs, which we can redeploy to make other improvements in the provision of public services. We continue to pour all our efforts and dedication into furthering new energy-efficient projects for Yerevan.” EU Ambassador to Armenia Andrea Wiktorin added, “We are delighted to welcome these children and their teachers into the newly renovated, energy-efficient kindergarten no. 47 in Yerevan. As the largest contributor to the E5P Fund, the European Union is delighted to help create a safer, more inclusive and healthier environment for children, while helping Armenia use less energy and financial resources. Energy efficiency is an important pillar of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) and the European Union’s environmental goals. Together with the EIB and other Team Europe partners, we can achieve the targets set for the benefit of the Armenian population.”EIB Vice-President Teresa Czerwi?ska, responsible for operations in Armenia, explained, “The EIB, the bank of the European Union, is proud to have contributed to a safer future for Armenian children. One more kindergarten in Yerevan has now been made safer with a complete seismic upgrade, structural reinforcement and energy efficiency improvements. We have created a safe, healthy and comfortable environment for children to play and learn in. In parallel, the project will significantly reduce energy costs for Yerevan municipality, while furthering Armenian energy independence. The support this project received from the European Union, the EIB and Team Europe, and our partners in the E5P, UNDP and GCF clearly demonstrates the power of international cooperation, and highlights the social value of investments that address climate change and improve the lives of our citizens in the process. I would like to thank our partners in Yerevan municipality for the opportunity to increase the quality of living in the city, and I look forward to seeing new kindergartens renovated.”Maciej Czura, EIB Head of Regional Representation for the South Caucasus, remarked, “It is particularly rewarding to work for these children, who are receiving a new, warm and comfortable learning space today. I would like to wish the children and staff of kindergarten no. 47 every success in their safer and greener building. Comprehensive energy efficiency, structural and accessibility improvements to Armenian kindergartens and the integration of renewable energy sources will help Yerevan municipality reduce carbon emissions and improve sustainability and resilience this winter and beyond. This is a good example of efficient cooperation between the EIB, the European Union, the Armenian government, Team Europe and other stakeholders.”Resident Representative of UNDP in Armenia Natia Natsvlishvili said, “UNDP acknowledges the importance of retrofitting public buildings for energy efficiency. This ensures around a 50% improvement in their energy performance, helping reduce energy poverty, improve the comfort of beneficiaries and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in line with Armenia’s commitments under the Paris Agreement and the CEPA. We are ready to continue our support in the second phase of the project.” EIB Global and Team Europe to back the sustainable socioeconomic and institutional development of the Syunik regionEIB Global, the arm of the Bank focused on operations outside the European Union, also joined the Resilient Syunik Team Europe Initiative that was officially launched today. This is a joint undertaking of the European Union, the EIB and the Member States Austria, France, Germany, Poland and Sweden, with Switzerland as an external partner. Its main objective is to foster the sustainable socioeconomic and institutional development of the Syunik region, taking coordinated action in line with the development priorities of regional and local authorities and the EU-Armenia flagship initiative focusing on the area.Under this initiative, EIB Global and the European Union will provide financing and support to construct two rural educational and training centres in Southern Armenia. This investment in the Syunik province is planned to include free-of-charge after-school educational opportunities and access to missing services for up to 6 000 children and young adults (6 to 18 years of age) from 50 rural communities.Background informationEIB Global is the EIB Group’s specialised arm dedicated to increasing the impact of international partnerships and development finance. EIB Global is designed to foster strong, focused partnership within Team Europe, alongside fellow development finance institutions, and civil society. EIB Global brings the Group closer to local people, companies and institutions through our offices across the world. The Yerevan energy efficiency project (Phase I ongoing) is being implemented by Yerevan municipality with the support of the E5P, the EIB, and GCF via UNDP. Estimated at a total cost of €15 million, the project is financed by an EIB concessional loan of €7 million, an E5P investment grant of €5 million, a GCF contribution of €1 million (through UNDP) and Yerevan municipality resources of €2 million. It will increase the energy efficiency and resilience to earthquakes of kindergartens: 15 are planned to be fully renovated, while around 35 will benefit from horizontal energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. The project will improve quality of life for more than a million people in the city, and create energy savings of 5 394 MWh per year, reducing carbon emissions by 1 305 tonnes a year and significantly decreasing other greenhouse gas emissions. This will contribute to climate change mitigation and reduce Yerevan’s municipal budget expenditures for energy services.The Resilient Syunik Team Europe Initiative is the joint undertaking of the European Union, the EIB and the Member States Austria, France, Germany, Poland and Sweden, with Switzerland as an external partner. The main objective of this Team Europe Initiative is to foster the sustainable socioeconomic and institutional development of the Syunik region, taking coordinated action in line with the development priorities of regional and local authorities and the EU-Armenia flagship initiative focusing on the area. This is a flexible mechanism that may be further expanded, and is open for Member States to join with new initiatives to promote the development of the Syunik region.Press contacts Olga Sushytska, o.sushytska@eib.org, tel.: +352 4379 70578Website: http://www.eib.org/press — Press Office: +352 4379 21000 — press@eib.org