(AGENPARL) – sab 31 dicembre 2022 For Immediate Release
The Venerable Relic of the Sicilian judge, brutally murdered by the Mafia more than 30 years ago, will be the centerpiece of a week of events organized by the Venerabile Arciconfraternita di Santa Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani in Rome and the “Beati Rosarii Livatino Peregrinatio” Committee
ROME (Italy), December 31th 2022 – The first solemn “Peregrinatio Beati Rosarii Livatino – Fidei et Justitiae Martyris” will be held in Rome, from January 14th to 21st. The celebrations will include the display of the Venerable Relic of the Sicilian judge, murdered by the Mafia, in the most representative places of national institutions. An event strongly desired and planned by the Venerabile Arciconfraternita di Santa Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani in Rome, organized by the “Peregrinatio Beati Rosarii Livatino” Committee chaired by the Primicerius of the Archconfraternity and made up of: Mons. Gianni Fusco, Carlo A. Adami, Giulio Adamo, Gaetano Armao, Maurizio Gallo, Diego Marchiori, Domenico Menorello, Stefano Trubian, Paola Zuliani.
"This event aims to represent the determination of a community according to justice and charity as well as the Sicilian spiritual and cultural contribution to the City of Rome. An opportunity to enhance national unity and rediscover Popular Piety in the tradition of the Catholic Church and an inspirational witness for the younger generations to combine research and commitment with sobriety.“ Primicerius of the Archconfraternity said.
The calendar of events dedicated to the Beato Livatino includes several highlights starting with the solemn exposition and veneration of the relic in the places of the country’s highest institutions including the Camera dei Deputati and Senato della Repubblica, Suprema Corte di Cassazione, Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia, Comune di Roma, Comando Generale della Guardia di Finanza, Universities, High Schools and Roman parishes.
In this Roman week dedicated to Rosario Livatino, two conferences will held: the first one curated by the ‘Centro Studi Rosario Livatino’ entitled ‘The actuality of Beato Rosario Livatino’, will be held on Wednesday, January 18th, at 3 p.m., at the Senato della Repubblica – Sala Capitolare di Santa Maria sopra Minerva in the presence of His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin Secretary of State of the Holy See; the second important discussion addressed to all civil society entitled "Beato Rosario Livatino: the universal example of the just. Dialogues between economy, faith and justice," will take place on Thursday, January 19th, from 10:15 a.m., at the national headquarters of Confindustria, on the occasion of the display of the relic.
From January 16th to 23rd, in the Sala Capitolare of the convent of Santa Maria sopra Minerva it will be possible to visit the ‘Sub Tutela Dei: Judge Rosario Livatino’ exhibition, an opportunity to learn about the story of the man Servant of God whose credibility was for him full and invincible consistency between Christian faith and life and for this reason the Church honors him as a martyr.
On Friday, January 20th, at 8:30 p.m., the ‘Beatus vir – Vespers for a martyr’ concert will take place, while on Saturday, January 21st, a solemn Eucharistic service will be celebrated in the presence of representatives of civil, military and ecclesiastical institutions.
Round tables and symposia dedicated to the life and works of Rosario Livatino will also be held throughout the week. Also paying tribute to the Beato Livatino, the works of poet-painter Tahar Ben Jelloun and artist Pizzi Cannella with four large canvases that will be displayed in the nave of the Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri where the closing celebrations will be held.