(AGENPARL) – ven 02 dicembre 2022 2 December 2022
Production images are released today for the National Theatre’s new musical Hex, which is based on the story of Sleeping Beauty and will play on the NT’s biggest stage this Christmas.
A vividly original retelling of Sleeping Beauty, Hex is a mythic, big-hearted musical that goes beyond the waking kiss. When the fairy is summoned to the palace to help the princess sleep, her spell becomes a curse, and she is plunged into a hundred-year quest to make everything right.
There are 500 £20 tickets for every performance, available to book for adults and children alike. Tickets are on sale now and available to book via the [NT website](https://events.nationaltheatre.org.uk/events/85035).
Hex will play in the Olivier theatre from 26 November until 14 January and is recommended for ages 8+.
Access performances of Hex
Captioned performance: Monday 19 December at 7.15pm
BSL performance: Thursday 29 December at 7.15pm
Audio-described performances: Thursday 2 January at 2pm with a Touch Tour at 12.30pm
Sensory Adapted performance: Thursday 22 December at 7.15pm
Smart caption glasses Will be available for performances of Hex from Thursday 8 December.
About the National Theatre
The National Theatre’s mission is to make world-class theatre, for everyone. The NT creates and shares unforgettable stories with audiences across the UK and around the world. On its own stages, on tour, in schools, on cinema screens and streaming at home, it strives to be accessible, inclusive and sustainable.
The National Theatre empowers artists and craftspeople to make world-leading work, investing in talent and developing new productions with a wide range of theatre companies at its New Work Department. Our nation thrives on fresh talent and new ideas, so the National Theatre works with young people and teachers right across the UK through performance, writing and technical programmes to ignite the creativity of the next generation. Together with communities, the NT creates ambitious works of participatory theatre in deep partnerships that unite theatres and local organisations – showing that nothing brings us together like theatre.
The National Theatre needs your support to shape a bright, creative future. For more information, please visit [nationaltheatre.org.uk](https://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/)