(AGENPARL) – mar 01 novembre 2022 Release of Preliminary Public Review Draft Vulnerability Assessment and Chapter 7: Adaptation of the Sacramento Climate Action & Adaptation Plan
The Community Development Department is pleased to announce the release of the Preliminary Draft Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Preliminary Draft Chapter 7: Adaptation of the Sacramento Climate Action & Adaptation Plan,as well as the Responses to Comments received following publication of the Preliminary Draft Climate Action Plan in July 2022. All three documents are now posted on the [project webpage](https://t.updates.cityofsacramento.org/r/?id=h45bf7b9,3d17fa6,3d3c65f).
The City welcomes and encourages public comments on the Preliminary Draft Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Preliminary Draft Chapter 7: Adaptation until December 5, 2022, at which time the City will review comments received to inform additional work on both documents. There will be a second opportunity to provide input when the full Draft Climate Action & Adaptation Plan and Draft 2040 General Plan are released for public review in early 2023.
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